
Wednesday, September 26, 2012

do you like my hat?

here is another piece I have been struggling with for a few days
(what is up with that anyway?)

 I have some old tintypes that were my great great aunt's
they're round and edged in brass
on the back it says pocket gems
I think they were pocket sized mementos of friendship

do you like my hat?
( go  dog  go )

I was struggling with what to do with the empty space in the bottom half of the thing
then I thought of hydrangeas
... it came to me in the middle of the night ...
yes, my best ideas come when I am sleeping

but how to add hydrangeas?
... beeswax (I dreamed) ...
bees have the answer to so many of life's perplexing questions

(listed on etsy here)


  1. Love what you've done here! The beeswax is perfect for the hydrangea.
    The girl/woman/child looks like my mom at that age. Weird!! She isn't quite old enough to be in a tintype though. :)

  2. What a fantastic piece, and I love how the idea of hydrangeas came to you while you were sleeping...i love it when that happens. I wish I could grow them, and dry them, but alas, it is too cold here!

  3. The wax is brilliant and we use that line a lot, "do you like my hat?"! Made me laugh to see you reference it!

  4. I love her hat!! And waxing the hydrangeas was brilliant!! This is lovely. :)

  5. Oh, I am drooling, this is just soooo gorgeous! The hydrangeas, the tintype, you have made it magical!

  6. OMG this is so cool...just love all the elements you have used to make this fantastic little creation! x

  7. I do like that hat and that book, my favorite as a child(maybe that's why we have 5 dogs, lol). Lovely piece Kim, I can smell the beeswax now. And the heart arrrived and it is SOOOO wonderful. A heart for my superhero for Christmas, got to hide it well. xox

  8. Those hydrangias make great architectural elements for your work. Looks great!

  9. you had me at hydrangea... love it that you got the idea while sleeping, it happens to me like that too.. beautiful

  10. i love the drop off time...i keep a notepad by my many things 'come to me' as i am just starting to drop off...your waxy flowers are the perfect addition to this sweet assemblage...

  11. I don't know what ideas come to me while sleeping because I am sleeping. But I do know that I DO like your hat! Nice vintagy (is that a word?) work here Kimmie!

  12. Superb assemblage. The perfect use for the hydrangeas.

  13. this is a great piece, love the whole piece, but the rusty round thingy over the tintype is terrific.
    the hydrangeas add the perfect touch . . . they look fragile (?), are they?

  14. ps: i too, get my best ideas while i am sleeping.

  15. Yes, I adore your hat. And yes, in my experience, bees (and/or beeswax) are often the perfect thing !
    Happy Creating !

  16. What a wonderful creation. Love the "vintageness" and the beautiful textural details. The lavender seeds look fantastic and the hydrangeas added with bees wax are perfect. This is really beautiful. xx

  17. Yes, I like your hat. That is some party hat!
    I love "Go Dog Go"!
    Loevly touch with the beeswax and flowers (brilliant!). I have never seen tintypes rimmed in metal. Lucky you to have them!

  18. Listening to the bees in your dreams was the perfect solution dear struggle shows on this fantastic creation at all...
    Happy October!

  19. This is fab.... and the hydrangeas are perfect. Will they really be protected by the beeswax? I am intrigued.


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