
Saturday, September 22, 2012


this is me
setting out for my morning walk
(do you see the bad hair day under my hat?)

I love to walk on this trail
an old railroad grade converted into a walking/biking trail
(and the occasional horse - watch where you step)

this is the time of year to walk into spiderwebs too

apples are ripening

sunflowers are going strong

the maples are dressing up

 and dressing down

what are the signs of fall where you live?
and if you're down under - are you seeing spring yet?


  1. No autumn here yet. We did have some cool (60s) mornings last week, but back to hot and humid. I'm ready for fall! Looks like a wonderful path. I got my FarmHouse delivery today ... apples!!! YES!

  2. Nice hair under that hat. I walk that way too. Love your fall views. Aren't the spiderwebs amazing! xox

  3. Lovely view of autumn where you are. As always, I love all your photos. Had to laugh at the "hair day," since I see the "good" day on your sidebar.

    As for autumn, it is still quite warm here, including evenings. Trees are not shedding unless it's because of the lack of moisture. And the grass is still green and growing. Oh, and my AC is still running. I'm SO ready for cooler temperatures! Glad autumn is showing its beauty where you live.

  4. Beautiful tribute. We are trying but will be a bit behind the rest . At least we have had a few cool fronts and have been able to open the windows some. Went North to Ga and was able to go to a pumpkin farm and apple orchard. The leaves hang started changing yet tho. I love the sunflower photo...

  5. Here--waking up to 34 degrees! Too early this year.

    I love all your pictures...except the spider in the web. ;)

  6. No real signs of fall yet in Los Angeles, other than the calendar! I actually hate September and early October in LA -- too hot, too dry -- I'm ready for the change! Your photos were lovely and very refreshing. And YOU are adorable, bad hair day or not!

  7. I understand about wearing hats on ''certain'' days. What is it about hair and bad days. Happens more and more with me:)
    Your photos are a joy. I live in the Uk near Oxford and our days are similar it seems, with all of those images you show. We have some first cherry leaf fell yesterday...sadly the colur fades with keping.
    Have fun!

  8. Sorry Kimmie, so many typing errors in my comment....

  9. He descubierto tu blog y me ha encantado su contenido, ya soy seguidora tuya. Si lo deseas te invito a visitar mi blog y si es de tu agrado me gustaria tenerte como seguidora en mi blog y asi seguir en contacto.

    Un saludo muy cariƱoso.


  10. the hunters are out slaughtering deer. wear your day glo orange on walk to distinguish human from deer.

    the leaves have started turning.

    people decorate with pumpkins and corn stalks.

    chilly mornings

  11. Yesss! Sprincg is here! everything is so bright green!

  12. Looks like you have a beautiful walking trail. Thanks for sharing...

  13. Happy Autumn ! My favorite time of year, really. You have captured its beauties so beautifully here.
    Enjoy and happy Sunday !

  14. We are still in the green, but the trees are shedding now and the temps are dropping from the hot days. Fall turnover hit quickly and without warning, but it brings a new and different beauty of season. Love your photos.

  15. Wonderful post, I can feel the nip in the air. Your walking trail looks beautiful, love the trees, but don't much care for the spiders...ooooh that freaks me out when I walk into webs. Happy trails. xx

  16. Your walk looks beautiful! I have seen some amazing spiderwebs lately, not really fond of them.
    The flowers always seem to get this special glow at this time of year in my yard, an amazing comeback before the end....I savor every moment!
    Hope you have a great week!

  17. It is glorious spring here... in fact in Brisbane we almost skip from spring into summer straight up... it is hot most days though the humidity won't hit for a few weeks yet... and while my jasmine isn't flowering yet... it is the only one in the street not!!!!.... the jacarandas are starting to fill up with that glorious purple blue... it is spectacular... almost as amazing as your photos Kim... stunning work...xx


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