
Friday, August 3, 2012

number crunching

yesterday's adventure:
Snoqualmie, WA

funny thing about my post title
... I used to work in accounting ...
A/P number crunching for a home builder
(I like this kind much better)


  1. Oooh what extreme, grungy, rusty, distressed gorgeousness here, love these photos, love the colours and textures, but sorry I was never any good with numbers, hated maths...just as well my hubby is an accountant, so he can take care of all that. What a fabulous museum to visit and your photos are beautiful, TFS. xx

  2. Lovely photos. This is an interesting way to see the museum.

  3. LOVE these! They would look so cool altered to make them look older and distressed... I would hang them on my walls! Either framed or on canvas without frames!

  4. These are beyond cool. I was so impressed with the title, then saw the personal relevance in the end. Seems like you've been having a lot of stay-cations this year!

  5. This is certainly my kind of number crunching too, ha! Great photos!

  6. I have to admit I'm not a numbers person but you may have just converted me Kimmie ;D

  7. Cool and clever idea for a blog post:) Love it!

  8. Were going to take the grandkids to a train museum in a few weeks. Thanks for the brilliant idea!
    these are wonderful, like the rust a lot!

  9. Love your artsy number crunching here VERY much too Kimmie!

    Super captures!

  10. Wonderful rust and patina in your photos, love the crunchy numbers. xox


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