
Monday, March 5, 2012

come in out of the weather

I've taken a break from the day
and it's just begun to downpour

constant comment tea and oatmeal cookies

a favorite cup from a dear friend
an orphaned saucer
and an old tablecloth

they all seem to go together

and now it's begun to snow

... march ...
in like a lion is what they say
hoping you're safe and sound with all that craze weather out there
... and looking forward the lambie side of the month!


  1. I'm just tucking in under comforters here in 20 degree NYC...and stopping in to say how I appreciate the up close and personal of your photographs.By Thursday we are s'posed to vault into the high 60's!

  2. Oh I just love the sound of your weather. I know it's only because most of our days are dry and warm to hot and for it to snow would be a total freak out here. But you have made every thing appear so safe and snug and cosy with your pretty cup and saucer and table cloth, the pot of tea and the delicious looking cookies. I can't wait for winter. Have a lovely indoors day. xx

  3. I love to come here and have a cup of tea and experience rain and snow -- :)

  4. Oh your raindrop & snow on the window photos are stunning Kimmie.

  5. All these lovely things do go well together. I have done a little tea posting too. I have not seen this tea before, so wonder if we can get it in the UK. Love your rain and snow...I am quite sad like that.
    Have a wonderful Tuesday!

  6. Hello I love how you share your tea moments and your window views, I just love when the rain turns to snow, it's magic!

  7. As much as I don't like the cold, rain, and snow it does make for good photos doesn't it? It also can make it so cozy inside. Your post makes your tea very inviting! Stay warm and safe! We have mild temps here in Nebraska but so much wind.

  8. Yes March can be very crazy with weather. We are suppose to be warm today then cooler again for several days. Must take advantage of the beautiful days when they come!

  9. SNOW???? That means we will get something here about mid-week or later. I can often predict my weather by yours (grin). Who needs the Weather Channel, when I can read your blog!

    Have a warm and safe tea today, while I enjoy sun and 65 degree F and higher temps. I promise I'm not rubbing it in.

    BTW, have I told you how MUCH I appreciate you getting rid of the WV nonsense?

  10. Happy T on Tuesday Kimmie...
    Love how everything goes together so sweetly here...always!

    Your cookie looks delicious I can almost smell it ... ummm

    Here is my spot of tea today:


  11. Hi Kimmie -- I love your beeswax collages. So beautiful! Sending warm wishes your way. From rain to snow -- I can't even imagine. Have a great rest of the week. Tammy

  12. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the table cloth and dishes!!!! My old fashion style!

  13. They all do go together very well - i LOVE that saucer, has a 30's feel to it!!! Stay warm (and dry) and drop by for tea (or coffee :>) )

  14. We are switching sides of the country again, we have 63F on tap for tomorrow. Hope it's a quick lion and he hops elsewhere. xox Corrine

  15. it was 60 degrees and sunny here yesterday, definitely lamby...your pics are beautiful! i love the rainy chair in the backyard...and you are right, even though they are not a set, your cup, saucer & cloth all go together...such a nice little set...kind of like the folks here for tea, a lovely set...happy tea a day late, dear kimmie

  16. we got 12 inches of snow last week but expect 50's today. oatmeal cookies, yum.

    since you have the robot thing on your blog, i cannot comment as often. when i use my usual browser (firefox) the letters I have to type dont show. So I have to switch browsers which i am lazy about doing. just so you know

  17. oops. well, the robot thing didnt appear today. I swear it was there the other day?? Yippee

  18. The lambie side of March was here today...with good drying winds. Perfection!


Sorry for the hoops you have to jump through with leaving comments, but the spammers are out in force lately ....