
Wednesday, January 18, 2012


with all of this snow I have been rather house bound
(7 and a half inches so far)
a good time to "study"
these are my attempts at a "naturalist study" type of painting
(what I learned in watercolor class from high school is slowly coming back to me)
I had a classical watercolor artist (Ross Shellenberger) as a teacher
... I wish I could call him up with a question or two!

I am finding this to be a good escape right now
(all 5 of us are housebound)
but when I get into a painting I lose track of place and time and find quiet amid the commotion
... exactly what got me through the high school years ...


  1. These watercolor painting studies are superb!! By gosh ...I think you have got it! I hope the house returns to normal soon. Breathe...
    and know the chaos will soon pass. Enjoy those pajama days. Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  2. Your watercolors are just terrific. You are a 'natural'.

    Keep painting!

  3. Beautiful water colors, I love any thing with nature.

  4. It is so beautful.I like the colors...Great work

  5. Your watercolours are just beautiful!!... so talented! Love them!

  6. Beautiful......Very sensitively painted.
    JoZarty x

  7. Wow! lovely watercolors. Some snow you are getting out there.....must be kind of nice in a strange way. Bet the kids love it. xox Corrine

  8. Looks like they are exactly what will get you through your snowbound days, too. You are one super, incredible artist. I applaud you and your art.

  9. Looks to me like you don't need to ask any questions at all. Your watercolors are amazing. Stay safe, warm and cozy! Best wishes and blessings, Tammy

  10. Reminiscent of Andrew Wyeth...Beautiful, Kimmie. You have such an eye. Still snowing here--on icebound roads.

  11. just love your it still snowing?xxkeep safexxlynda

  12. just gorgeous watercolors. I think painting a rock is up there with painting a shell in difficulty. You do it so well. no snow here but twenty below zero in the night.

  13. Beautiful, isn't it amazing how many rocks one can find in a heart shape? Love the watercolours Kim, very nice :)

  14. Outstanding! I love how you were able to capture the texture of the lichen.

  15. wow! wonderful. love your brushwork. your colors. your capture of these pieces in your world. You are one talented lady - a great observer of your world.


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