
Monday, January 16, 2012

snowy day tea

we have a lot of snow right now
and it's a big deal
(it's hit or miss from year to year whether we'll get a big snow or not)

(bengal spice tea again)

we had 6 inches on Sunday

school has been cancelled

and more snow (they say 6 more inches??) is in the forecast for Wednesday

definitely something to smile about


how about you?
what is putting a smile on your face today?


  1. Poets may write about a man and his dog, but I say you've got it right - a dog and it's girl are precious!

  2. what a wonderful series of photos ...I love snow days , rare in Texas!!

  3. I heard Seattle is due for an enormous record breaking amount of snow!!! That adorable dog must come in covered with mini snowballs!!!!!
    My tea post is up and early!!!

  4. Apparently I was channeling your snow into my tea post today. Of course, my thoughts when I saw these adorable photos were "where are her mittens?" This is a really FUN memory you have created today.

    I guess the irony of our two posts, you with the real snow and me with a fake, is what puts the smile on my face. Happy tea today, dear friend.

  5. In 2004 we got 6 in. of snow on jchristmas morning. First snow in recorded history I think, this far south in Texas. We were not here though, we were further north in central Tx. where they did NOT get any snow. The snow was so uncommon that most had never seen it, and one woman wrote a couple of books about it. Everyone got photos, because no one would believe it if you told them. Remembeing that makes me smile this morning. :)

  6. i have enjoyed seeing your kids and pup romp in the snow...we have a drip of snow so it's sweet to see it being enjoyed...and no school? that is absolute kid heaven...will you be crafting with said kids today?...xoxo stay toasty, dear kimmie & fam...(i know your dog's name is theodore, do you call him ted?)ggg

  7. LOL What a great picture of them out in snow. They both look so pleased to be there. It's snowing again here, too. But, frankly, by this time of the year, in Wisconsin, we depend on some snow for our snow industry. Me? Snow can't keep me from the studio. So, I'm off to enjoy my cuppa and play with some paint or fabric. :)Bea

  8. Just dropped in from Jeans blog and am so rewarded. this is a wonderful blog. Si I joined in as a follower and will see you again. Ms in NYC

  9. They both look quite content to be out there lounging in the snow. All I can think is brrrrr! I saw on the news that Portland got a bunch and Seattle is to get more. Stay warm and cozy. And have a great rest of the week. Tammy

  10. The snow is wonderful! I wish we had some here but I have been using photos from the snow 2 years ago. Your photos are so very precious! Have a very nice Tuesday Tea.

  11. Your snow sure puts a smile on my face...I Love the stuff

    Looks like you all are already having great fun with these cute pix!

    here is my
    surprise tea


  12. Looks (and sounds) like you've GOT the snow this year! Just a dusting here last week, then a thaw over the weekend and now c-c-c-cccold again.
    Keep the water on the boil and stay warm!
    The color RED is putting a smile on my face today!
    I'm having tea in a RED stripey mug today.

  13. Your photos bring a smile, kids love the snow :)
    Minus 27 this morning, but the sun is shining now.
    Supposed to got to my weigh-in today but hesitating, it's so cozy indoors :)

  14. Wow, that much snow is huge for you!!! No one drives out there in snow - be careful!!!! But enjoy the time with the kids. xox Corrine

  15. What precious photos! A dog and his/her girl...can't beat that. What's making me smile is that we might get some snow tonight. Nothing much to speak about snow-wise in the Northeast of late, and I miss it.

  16. great photos and a winter to remember for sure. i am always happy to have NO snow, but when you rarely get it it's a treat. Esp. the no school part.

  17. Great shots! It really was wonderful to see the snow in Seattle! We're back in Vegas now for the time being. Stay warm my friend!

  18. OMG Adorable pics....No snow here in England yet!! Keep warm and cosy!! :)

  19. I LOVE these pictures!!!!! You never cease to amaze me with your wonderful eye for beauty! Thank you so much!! X, Trix

  20. Nice pictures. Forever playmates. :)


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