
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

tea and stitching

my tea this morning is irish breakfast
hot, strong, and tempered with a little milk
it's a rainy and dark day

a good day for stitching

... I was gifted with this sweet little needle case ...

a give away from The Red Tin
thank you so much!

all of my favorite things have been gifts
the pincushion is from Patina Moon
the old recipe box is from my sister

and the quilt will be a gift from me to my daughter

it's slow going, but today will be a good day to make some progress!


what are some of the simple gifts in your life that give you joy?


  1. Good morning :) it's clearing and melting here--crazy weather.
    I love the little pin cushion,so cute! The quilt looks so nice and cozy :) she's going to love it!
    Happy Tea day to you :)

  2. Yes, a great day for a bit of sewing. I envy you the grip! But it's amazing that we both are having the exact same tea today: Irish Breakfast. Very good with milk, here is my tea post:

    Have a great Tea Tuesday and a fabulous Thanksgiving.

  3. Lovely little gifts and things like that always mean so much. I just love hand created things. My most recent thing I enjoy is a little basket made from pine needles. Have a great Thanksgiving.

  4. ooo I Love stopping by for tea dear Kimmie...we are having the same weather AND the same tea too...reading Elizabeth and Bleubeard's T post inspired me for a cup of Irish tea

    Precious treasures that you're sharing with us

    In the process of trying to clear out abit here for the holidays (oh my!) I opened one of the bins with my Mom's things in them...memories flew out and landed all over ... we will have to put the other boxes in storage until after the holidays...finding out now is not the best time...but oh the sweet and simple treasures...each one a gift
    sorry rambling on a bit
    as you can see
    here I am still trying to escape :)

  5. Lovely gifts for sure. I really need to use a needle case, maybe then I could find one when I needed it!
    I'm having tea today!

  6. so glad you like the needle case. It means a lot.
    Where is my tea? I am trapped at work today, but I believe I have a cademon/cinnamon around here. :0)
    Enjoy the rainy,chilly day we're having. :)

  7. that quilt looks like it is going to be so cute! it's dreary here today as well, enjoying some hot coffee, christmas magazines and cartoons with my little one : )

  8. Hi Kimmie, I'm happy to be able to join you again for tea.

    Sounds like your weather was like ours this morning but then everything cleared and we had a gorgeous afternoon. I love to see your hand sewing. So very pretty!

    I will have to visit the other participants tomorrow as it is bedtime here. Wishing you a great rest of the day. Best wishes, Tammy

  9. Looks like domestic bliss at your house this Tea Tuseday! I have a needle case that brings me joy-- custom made by Kiwi Carole. It's a magpie's mess that holds more than just needles!

    I posted today.

  10. Happy Tea Tuesday.....oh it's been a while. Your post calmed me, and made me take a breath ahhhh. All your gifts are so warm and homely, and the day being rainy and dark, just perfect for tea. Alas, the weeks ahead for me are "flat chat", but it was lovely to have a moment with you today Kimmie. xx

  11. Love all of your things Kimmie, and I'm so happy you enjoy the pin cushion! That needle case is neat, and love the recipe box too. I have a lot of little stuff from family or friends that is special to me and it finds its way for use in my art room. :-) Stay warm my friend, I know you are getting some wet weather this week!

  12. Dearest Kimmie,

    Lovely post and I got here from Tammy's Daily Treasures.
    Love to you,


  13. snow instead of rain here. love irish breakfast tea. hmmm, maybe i'll hunt some up.

    my most treasured gifts are the little sweet things friends have given too. if only we could remember that at Christmas glut season.

    the quilt is gorgeous. i won a quilt at a yankee sweap down on the cape this past weekend. maybe i'll post it.

  14. Lovely gifts... I wish I had your handstitching patience. I can do it but I tend to bloody my fingers.
    I missed tea yesterday...busy week for me.

  15. wow each stitch a gift here ~Happy Thanks giving!

  16. My simple gift is working with a child ...even if only for a moment in time ...but sharing my studio is the gift I give myself. Happy Thanksgiving Blessings, Mary Helen


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