
Tuesday, November 1, 2011

tea and linens

 my tea this morning is a peppermint chai tea with plenty of milk

and here are some antique linens I've hand washed and are line drying in my kitchen

they belonged to my great aunt from connecticut

and my grandmother from chicago

beautiful handwork from both sides of my family

washed in the same suds
rinsed in the same water
hanging on the same line
women who would surely have been friends
if there had been the opportunity
it is a much smaller world now
thank you for dropping in on my kitchen in washington state
I know you have come from many miles away ...
what have you been up to?


  1. What a lovely vision you create of intertwined washing/lives. I've been doing my washing here in London, but nothing as beautiful as this ... and, I certainly wouldn't want it on my blog!!! penny x

  2. Wow, these are so lovely! So much detail!

  3. happy tea day, your linens are lovely and the back lighting is fabulous as well as the thoughtfulness of your post... and yesterday was laundry day here too! xo

  4. How amazing. These beautiful pieces are intertwined in love and stories that span generations and history. You have woven a lovely tale over tea today.

    As promised last week, here is my very long 7 days of tea drinking:

  5. I just love old linens. these are really gorgeous! enjoy your tea...I enjoyed my visit.

  6. I see you are feeling very sentimental as well. It must be in the air...

  7. Kim, I so enjoy your "take" on life. Such pretty photos to go with it.

    I'm having tea (or coffee) today too.

  8. Lovely treasure from a relative's gentle handwork. You are blessed with their fiber journals. Peace, mary Helen

  9. Good morning, I'm here with coffee :) Love your linens. Happy t day

  10. Lovely post Kimmie. Nothing more beautiful than old linens. Maybe one day 100 years from now someone will be enjoying our beautiful things we love as well.

  11. I love this sense of history in the beautiful linens. I have some of my grandmother's as well.
    Love all your photos so much.

    I have been ever so wonderfully busy with paints, and knitting, and sewing scarves. All can be seen on my blog: ;-)))

  12. Lovely linens... I'm late for tea...

  13. Beautiful post.....I am left with a warm and calm mind and a feeling that all is well in the it the words "handworked", "hand washed", "antique linen" or "drying in the kitchen" that has generated this feeling ? What is it about simple things, beautifully made, used, loved, past on and loved again ? I get this sense of creative respect and admiration. Your photographs are beautiful Kimmie, thanks for sharing and happy T Tuesday. xx

  14. Hi Kimmie, I wanted to join you yesterday but our internet was not cooperating. Your linens are so very pretty. What treasures to have from the past; it's evident where you get your talents from. Hope your Wednesday is a good one. Tammy

  15. Lovely to see your linen heirlooms. Today I have been sorting and organising my button collection. Lots of treasures, some heirlooms from garments and people unknown or long forgotten. Milky pearl, black Jet, filigree gold and silver and every colour of the rainbow.
    Now I'll knit for my grandees and who knows, I might even add some button treasures when I finish.


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