
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

just orange

today I have sunshine streaming in and the oranges are showing off

I slice and dehydrate them for autumn and winter projects

an occasional slice slips into my tea

I mostly use them in garlands

but they're pretty just sitting in a dish too
... captured sunshine ...

what is showing off for you today?
is it orange?
or something else?


  1. Your beautiful oranges are to be marvelled at Kimmie - especially the slipped slice. Here in London, grey is showing off - infiltrating everywhere and dimming down the brighter hues that I know are lurking.... sigh. penny

  2. You have lovely oranges. The ones I get are not nearly as nice. I have sunshine, too, and it won't be long until I head out and about. Thought I would see if you were "home" before I headed out today. I might even pick up an orange, or maybe an orange marigold or mum. My tea today is:

  3. I love the slices on the grid. What a sun filled photo it is. How exactly do you dehydrate them? In the sun? Oven? Microwave? Interesting aswell as very very beautiful. I used to poke clover into an orange and let it set. It will dry too and fill the whole house with a soft sweet smell. Hmmm, your orange day stirred need for orange for me too. Clovers(spelling? flemish speaking really? here I come!

  4. For dehydrating them I place them on a rack and put them in a 200' oven (not sure what that is in Celsius .... It's very low heat). They take about 4 hours and should be turned halfway through the process. Yesterday I forgot to turn them and the came out with grid marks on one side :)

  5. Wonderful oranges. I love them in my tea sometimes too. Drying them is something I haven't done in years. I used to use my dehydrator a lot. I dug it out the other day to get inspired (I figured if I was looking at it on my counter, I would do something with it LOL)and now you have inspired me more.

  6. Thanks Kimmie... will give it a go! All of a sudden after reading your post I want to smell oranges. ;o))

  7. Lemon today, with Chinese ginger (the Twinings tea packet says). Come on over! :) I will save you a cinnamon roll.

  8. Thank you for bringing some lovely sunshine to this rainy drippy day here in Virginia...I can almost smell your oranges from here

    I always loved how the house smelled when the dehydrator was going ... I used to make wreaths and other decos out of dried apple and orange slices

    Your nature creations are each so lovely dear Kimmie

    I got my days confused (deary me) and posted my T Tuesday post on Monday

    here it is


  9. Love oranges!! So refreshing...they make me feel so alive!!

    Stop by for tea today...

  10. It's white that's showing off for me--today, it's snow. I do love your bright cheery photos!
    happy tea day :)

  11. Ohhh, they're WONDERFUL, Kimmie! Not only do your oranges look fabulous, I'll bet the house smells divine while they're in the dehydrating process. I've got some rose hips that would look marvelous with a few oranges slices added! :) Thanks!

    Yes, my husband's party went very well. Took a while to find the assortment of lollipops, but I couldn't resist teasing him.

    Wishing you a day blessed with serenity! ♥ Hugs, Terri xoxo

  12. OH , this is just what I needed today,.
    I must do this. Thank you !

  13. my last orange was not very juicy. thanks for saying how to dehydrate them. interesting. lovely.

  14. beautiful oranges and I'm sure they taste good too.....happy T Tuesday!!! I'm having "pulled tea"..

  15. I bet your home smells good. Not like wet dogs like my house smells.

  16. omgoodness! i just posted my tea post from yesterday and wrote about my new favorite tea!! with oranges and cloves...i still love to poke cloves in an orange and hang it in my room...

  17. What a ray of sunshine in your photos!


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