
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

morning tea

morning tea is in the dark

and in the car

on the way to school

in the fog

today's fog is the good kind though
right now it's 8 a.m. and the fog has already burned off

where are you having your tea today?


  1. Love your early morning photos Kimmie...fog is almost like snow in how it mutes sounds and makes things look mysterious and magical

    I had two cups of homemade yogi tea this morning

    here is my looking back tea post:
    Pacific Sea Star T

  2. I am having black tea today! Come visit me! I have missed tea on Tuesday.

  3. oh so beautiful in the fog...
    I am closing up my Bell'Antico blog, so do come by for one last tea trip...
    I have had so much fun, but I will be keeping my art blog, so I will come by for tea, I promise... xo

  4. Soon the morning won't be dark, but in your part of the world, most likely foggy. Love those misty shots. xox Corrine

  5. Had coffee here Kimmie, but it was dark outside and I stood on the porch hoping to catch a glimpse of the deer in the field...nada.
    Enjoy your tea, oh by the way when I drink tea I used to love Red Rose (Canada) Twinings Earl Grey.
    Tina xo

  6. I'm having tea with you, but I haven't seen any fog for so long (possibly over a year), it would actually be fun to sit in it for awhile.

    My tea post, although I've had trouble getting this to your blog:

  7. Wow! That is dark. What time do you have to head out for school? It gets dark here much earlier in the evenings but we haven't yet done the getting up in the morning in the pitch dark. That will come when the winter months arrive (December maybe). I wasn't sure if you were having tea today. Yesterday I did an update on my outside kitty just for you. :) Have a terrific day. Tammy

  8. Loved joining you for early morning tea....your photos are fabulous, so much atmosphere ( no pun intended ). I think tea tastes better, for some reason, when you have to get out of bed in the morning and it's still dark, it's like a little reward for your effort. I am actually "doing" tea today, would love you to join me. xx

  9. Interesting photos. We've had fog here too, being close to the water, it's that way most mornings this time of year.

  10. You write poetry with your camera...
    Lovely shot of your daugther sipping her hot cuppa :)

  11. Lovely morning photos...I try not to actually step outside that early. :)

  12. Morning fog reminds me of ME. Soft wisps of fog slowly drifting over green fields. Makes me miss my daughter!!! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  13. love the morning shots, Kimmy...Happy T!!!

  14. Love the early morning fogs here too - school comes early!!!!! The moon was still high in the sky on Sunday at 10:45am - should have got a pic of it!!!

  15. I am in love with fog...a velvet blanket of gentle softness. Beautiful! Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  16. I love this. I'm right there with you guys except I'm warm and didn't have to get out in fog :) And, were you lecturing your kids how you shouldn't take pictures or text while you drive? LOL!

  17. I love when the fog holds the promise of a beautiful day :)
    I miss being here it T-land, I think my travels are done for the winter, so I'll be here next Tuesday :)


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