
Friday, September 9, 2011

what it became

I really had fun with this

on the woven background from my previous post
I attached this page from an old pentecostal hymnal
it says 1885
that's even older than my little town

I glued the page to watercolor paper
painted the edges
added stitching
and tea-dyed it

before attaching it to the woven background
I added this wire hanger to the book cover backing I had chosen
the book cover was the perfect size!

and very very old!
it all just fit together
just like it was "meant to be"

I'm taking a new approach with this school year
I'm focusing on my art from when the kids get off to school to when they get home
(just as if I were putting in time at a job)
and now that it's the weekend and I can relax .... which includes catching up with you guys!
I look forward to seeing what everyone is up to!


  1. Fabulous !! It is perfect....the tea-dyed hymn is so good on the water colour paper and then on your beautiful textural woven background. And the old book cover is so beautiful, I love its 'grunginess'. I hope your new approach to creating works for you. It didn't work for me.......washing, shopping, dusting, cleaning and cooking all got in the way, mind you I do have whole days where I can ignore a lot of those things and just lock myself away in my studio room and create, but eventually my conscience gets the better of me lol. xx

  2. THis looks the texture that the woven background gives.....good luck with the new regime....getting that balance is soooo hard:)

  3. back when i was a writer and my son was little, i did exactly what you intend to do. i worked from when he left to when he returned home with a break for lunch. it worked out well.

    thank you for the info on how you hung this. always a bugaboo for me and now the hangers of string i have glued on the back of my large paper wallhanings are coming off!! the glue is not holding. maybe there is some way for me to do this wire thing.

    i have a book cover, end page with the exact pattern. yrs ago a friend gave me a bunch of old bk covers and end papers.

    this is cool.

  4. ps I see gayle says that work scheduel did not work out well for her. i do have an ability to leave dishes, dusting and so forth for later, even now. my house was always tidy more or less but i kept that workspace for me pretty well, which might include taking a walk in nature.

  5. Wonderful piece Kimmie. Love the mix of very old and woven new, it all fits so beautifully. xox Corrine

  6. I love his Kimmie! I love how everything just worked together and that old hymn with the tea dye stain is beautiful with the stitching.

  7. So neat Kimmie. I like your approach with your art, for you and for us as you share these wonderful pieces. I also like the term "tramp art" as you mention in the next post. :)

  8. Isn't it great when things come together of their own accord? This piece is lovely, and I'm so glad you included the detail shots--the neatness of your layers is pretty darn impressive.

  9. another really special and inspiring creation dear Kimmie

    SO glad you share your art and heart here in blogland!

  10. this is just so cool looking ~ love all the variety of textures and of course vintage music thrills me!!

  11. This is exactly the type of crafting or tramp art I love and want to do. Just retired, so I have more time available than I ever did before. No excuses for me, and you all inspire me!

  12. Wonderful piece. Good luck with your new "work schedule". I'm trying to come up with a similar plan. Certain days are "house work days" while others are "work on me days...excerise, relax, appts etc." and "art/computer days"...otherwise I tend to float through the days and not really get anything finished. It's still a work in progress...

  13. This is really a beautiful piece of art.


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