
Monday, August 1, 2011

hens and chicks tea

I'm taking my tea in the company of hens and chicks
the weather has finally turned summery
and the garden is where we all want to be

august is a special time for us
this year we will have been married a sweet sixteen years
and it's been eleven years since we moved to the pacific northwest
it seems that we mark the years with months of august

a life without love is like a year without summer
- swedish proverb

what is your tea today?

thank you, as always, for stopping by!
happy tuesday and happy august too!


  1. Happy Anniversary this month! And I'm happy to be sitting down and visiting you for tea -- I'm just home from a brief vacation and you're the first I'm visiting!

  2. Hi Kimmie, those hens and chicks would actually survive in my part of the world. They look so sweet in that teacup. Unfortunately, it likely would not fare as well with all the dust and dirt and grime that we deal with. :/ Can I come live in your garden?

    Join me for strawberry tea and dessert.

    Have a great day. Tammy

  3. Lovely anniversary(s) to you. Hens and chicks look like a pretty cool customer in that china cup. xox Corrine

  4. Well what could be sweeter than hens n chicks in that pretty teacup...

    another summer of Love...

    make that Sixteen (16) summers of Love...

    Congratulations to you and your beloved dear Kimmie and here's to many many many more years together!

  5. oop
    got excited about your anniversary :)

    here is my T Tuesday post for this first Tuesday in August:


  6. Gotta love the summer of love. 16 of them, even. Unless of course you are from the middle of the country where it's steaming. Sorry I haven't been around this week. I've been busy trying to make art instead of sitting in front of my cool computer. Gotta love the hens and chicks. They are quite lovely and would be a nice touch for your garden blog, too.

    My tea is old this week:

  7. love the hens and chicks! my tea today is probably beer!! happy happy anni!! xo

  8. Happy Happy anniversary, dear Kimmie and happy August to you too!!

  9. Loving the hen and chicks in a cup!!!

    Happy anniversary!!!!

  10. Love the hens & chicks...

    happy August to you.

    most of all...happy anniversary.

    and happy tea Tuesday.

    oxo Judy

  11. Congratulations on sweet 16 years together! Your teacup is sweet too! August is a milestone month for me too--- I started blogging this month 3 years ago, both my husband and son were born in August AND the kids go back to school!!!!!!!

  12. love love the hen and chicks in a cup .. seems as you have lots of celebrating to do .. enjoy!!

  13. I love hens and chicks! But alas, they don't grow well here in the heat. I do have a couple, but they usually don't last. Happy tea!

  14. Happy Anniversary! We have an anniversary this month too! I love hens and chicks! Happy Tea day!

  15. you are one cup i always drink deeply from!

  16. Happy anniversary and many more! Hope they are all as beautiful as the summers!

  17. Oh, I've missed my tea time friends :) busy it doing this and that with friends and family! I love the teacup with the chicks, very cute!
    A very happy Anniversary!

  18. I love hens and chicks. I use to grow them when we lived in N. Dakota!! I was amazed that such a plant could survive in the harshness of that northern climate but they always grew so beautifully there.
    Happy late T on T!! I didn't have tea yesterday but I have other things to share if you want to pop by for a quick visit.

  19. me encaaantaaa!!! lovely lovelyyyyy lovelyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!! besos enormes kimmie!!!!!

  20. no tea today, just lemonade. finally we have some warm weather. love how you planted your tea cup.

  21. Happy anniversary! Happy summer! Happy sun shining on your happy face!

  22. Happy Anniversary! August is an emotional time for me, all the change that happens at that time and yet I look forward to the sweet coolness of fall.

  23. This made me smile Kimmie....I had to look up 'hens and chicks' om google! mean Crassula, lol!!?
    I have a very strange version in my garden..I'll send you an email :-)
    Happy August....


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