
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

mornings with joe

on a morning like this (last night was a very late night), joe is my morning friend

it's possibly the best coffee I've ever had - a locally roasted coffee I bought through a little league fund raiser.

I would re-order it, but I'm not sure if they have an organic blend :(

anyhow, as I sit with joe and look at my day I can see at least one thing on my list .....

... the lavender harvest.

I hope your 4th of July (and Canada day last Friday) was safe and fun! I love the way summer stretches ahead in these early days of July. Here in the Pacific Northwest, we relish these days! Morning sun! It's a few and far between event!

What are your plans for the today, for July, for the summer? Share your tea and your thoughts with us :)

p.s. I have added a couple of comments myself from friends who posted their tea early ...


  1. Donna at:

    "Please visit me! I had to work today so I did mine early but I wont be back to add myself to the link. Kimmie can you add me? This is my first tea post in a long time.
    Thanks everyone!

  2. Suz at:

    "I would love some visits...


  3. My 4th was grand! Having some great gunpowder tea this morning. come read about that and all my amazing oddments I've run across lately. Happy tea day Kimmie!

  4. I missed the link thingy. Guess it took a holiday, too. I almost forgot to look for it when I saw your gorgeous yard. I'm super impressed and in love with your yard and garden. I think I've told you that every time I see a snippet if it. Have a great Tea Tuesday.

    Here's my post:

  5. I have (for the time being) abandoned mister linky. I'm posting from my iPad these days, and it's just a hassle with all of the HTML stuff. Thanks for your understanding :)

  6. hola kimmie!!!!!!!!!!! how beautifull and relaxing having a cofee with that view and all that colours and the summer welcoming sun!!!!!!!tese photos warms me with our freezing winter this days!! the first moment l think joe was a little bird..jaja!!
    well kimmie l send you an enormous hug and muchisimos besos!!!

  7. Love the views at your house Kimmie...looks like lots of sun has kissed your lovely lavender too!

    the lazy hazy days of summer are special...I enjoy being barefoot alot...watching things grow...I may pull the plug on all activities and read a book (way past time for me to do that!)

    Happy summer days to you and yours!

    Here is my tea for today:


  8. What a wonderful view you have. Have a great day!
    Stop by my post to if you feel so inclined.

  9. The view is beautiful...looks inviting and so serene....Happy Tuesday Kimmie!!

  10. There's nothing quite like morning light, a garden and a steaming cup of coffee! What a beautiful way to start your day, Kimmie! Lovely garden! My lavender this year is gorgeous. I think all of the snow we got this winter is responsible! There IS a silver lining to snowy winters!!! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  11. Oh, what a delicious task at hand ! Lavender is so heavenly and lavender you grow yourself is extra special ! Enjoy !

  12. Thanks, Kimmie, for copying my address again. That was very kind of you. What a bother for you (on the other hard, Mr. Linky was making me a bit loopy today, as I spent and hour trying to get him to work...much beyond my frustration time. I do not know where you live but I would love a place in which lavender would grow. I would git on my deck, drink my morning joe, and just bask in all the glory! Smell and taste. Few things more wonderful!

  13. I've tried to grow Lavender here and it just doesn't do well. Your garden is beautiful! Happy tea!

  14. I planted some English lavender and most of it is growing but I'm not sure it will survive the winter, as I recalled (later) it's munstead lavender that has a chance to survive in Nebraska, so we'll see. The scent is divine and what a "chore" to look forward to for you! What are the white and pink flowers in the background? Your view from your porch is quite lovely too.

  15. I left a comment and it didn't work, so am trying again :) love your photos Kimmie. The teapot spout reminds me of Alice in Wonderland for some reason :)


Sorry for the hoops you have to jump through with leaving comments, but the spammers are out in force lately ....