
Thursday, June 2, 2011

mr. owl

yup, can't stop painting rocks


  1. took my eyes a minute to see it but what a cute owl!!! YOu Rock!

  2. I love your painted rocks Kimmie! I have several that I collected years ago that I keep saying I am going to paint or do something with. Maybe this summer when I have more time I will finally get it done. Have a great weekend. Tammy

  3. These birds are just charming and fantastic, keep going, you will have a bird sanctuary soon. xox Corrine

  4. Fun!! That rock is very cool. The layers and how it has eroded over its life in the water. Did I mention I LOVE geology!!

  5. I see you've found your own style. I checked out the other ladies rocks that you linked to yesterday. Very cool stuff! I love your style!

  6. You are such a creative force of nature Kim! I love that you have taken a lowly rock and elevated its station in life. You have brought out the "hidden" side of the rock spirit that lives inside. The eye of the have that eye.

  7. another lovely one kimmie .. we need to set up a rock swap!!

  8. Been following your blog for quite a while now, never leaving a comment. But these rocks are sooooooooooo cute, I just had to let you know I LOVE THEM. My favorite is the shy looking owl(?) in the left upper corner.


Sorry for the hoops you have to jump through with leaving comments, but the spammers are out in force lately ....