
Monday, June 27, 2011


do you have any summer reading that you would recommend?
I keep a running list in my notes so I can put books on hold at the library
I'm still reading (savoring) 
The Street of a Thousand Blossoms 
by Gail Tsukiyama
I love a book that sends me off to learn about something I had no idea about beforehand
like: the firebombing of Tokyo in March 1945
that anyone survived those days at all is a miracle

maybe my next book to put on hold will be something to make me laugh
Mark Twain or Garrison Keillor

how about you?

I can't seem to get Mister Linky to work today
so, for today, we'll just go back to our old way of making the rounds
(using the comments as a guide)


  1. Hi, I'll look out for The Street of a Thousand Blossoms, sounds interesting. Just started reading Game of Thrones by George R R Martin, I've not read a fantasy novel for absolutely ages. If you fancy a bit of crime I can't recomment Camilla Lackberg's novels highly enough, can't wait for the next one to be released :)

  2. Have not read that book ... I will just have to add it to my list! Thanks

  3. Love Garrison Keillor, my list includes, The No! Ladies Detective Agency series (taking me to Africa),Hollywood, by Gore Vidal,Water for Elephants,by Sara Gruen, Very Valentine by Adriana Trigani, and a new novel by one of our friend's Dave Kyger.

  4. I haven't read anything since last summer so am hoping to get to some of those books on my bedside table.

    I had mint green tea with dark chocolate today. It's 4:15 pm and I am in the midst of packing for a 10-day adventure.

    Have a terrific Tuesday. Tammy

  5. reading seems a luxury to me and I am always a little uncomfortable with that...part of the problem is when I pick up a good book that is all I want to do READ :)

    so my list is long and way behind yours I'm sure

    Happy T to you...Love your pretty teapot full of reflection
    p.s. my tea is college tea this week ;)

  6. love those teapot reflections and the colour is amazing.I love crime novels but will try anything if it looks interesting. I also spend a lot of my reading time looking and reading books on Eco-Dyeing, stitching,journalling and anything to do with the work l create.I have a long list of books to be read and funnily enough as l sit here...l can't remember one of them! Hax

  7. Sorry to read about Mr. Linky. And it's the day I'm finally supposed to get my art supplies out of storage.

    Sorry I can't add to your reading list because what I'm reading right now are lots of old craft books and magazines. I'm really just looking for a bit of inspiration, but they are also fun to read for the techniques I discover along the way. Even though I can't recommend a good book, I can always recommend a few background techniques. Happy Tea today.

    Here is today's tea post:

  8. I have a few favorites that I always go back to. I loved Life of Pi - that's an interesting book if you haven't read it yet. It was so popular a few years back that you probably have.

  9. good morning kimmie!
    i have waited patiently for so many events to come to s close and my mornings to have a bit more breathing room to join you all for tea on tuesdays.

    in honor of my first official "tea" i am sharing the most exotic of nectar...and my summer ritual for drinking flowers!

  10. Love the B&W treatment for the 1st photo. I likely won't be traveling around to visit anyone today...I'll be distracting my girl for the next few days from her new braces.

  11. i'm still on the jodi piccoult...with cutting for stone next on my list...happy tuesday, dear, i love your tea pot!


  12. sorry to miss the tea party... I was waiting in line for my new drivers license... ugh... a reading suggestion ...
    I heard the language of flowers by diffenbaugh is good...

  13. Love the shots of your tea pot Kimmie!
    I'm still in lovely Washington and enjoying every last minute of it, because tomorrow I will be back in the heat of the desert.
    I have been reading a bit of The Artist Way.

  14. The second teapot shot is divine...

    I'm reading "oogy...the dog only a family could love" by Larry Levin. Non-fiction and heart-rending.

    That Mr. Linky is a fickle fellow. :)


  15. I just started I am a tea cup addict addict!!!


  16. Once I get my nose into a book, I've got it in there for the duration of the read and can't pry myself away! Consequently, my books are always savored during our vacations so I can immerse myself in the story. Loved the "Girl with the Dragon Tatoo", et al. Awesome series! Hugs, Terri xoxo

    PS Thank you, Kimmie, for your lovely comments. Your sweet words made my heart sing! xoxoxo

  17. While not funny, a good novel I finishes not that long ago, long and juicy and some history
    is "The Tricking of Freya" by Christina Sunley.

    Read it through in a couple of days....

    xox Corrine

  18. What a lovely blue teapot... "Snow Flower and the Secret Fan" is a good summer read. It is full of Chinese culture. Happy reading!

  19. The blue in the teapot is beautiful.

  20. I just finished The Female Fascinating reading for those of use who raised our girls in overalls and told our boys that it's alright to cry,


  21. I've been reading ALL of Jodi Picoult's books. I liked The Pact which was my most recent read.

  22. The No1 Ladies Detective Agency is my favourite series and I'm just starting some more Alexander McCall Smith, 44 Scotland Street.

  23. I can't usually sit long enough in the summer to read a book :) but come the fall....I love to sink into a book and dream the hazy fall days away.
    I love the teapots. The spout in the second pic looks like something from Alice and Wonderland :)


Sorry for the hoops you have to jump through with leaving comments, but the spammers are out in force lately ....