
Friday, May 13, 2011

Welcome back ...

... Blogger/Blogspot. That was weird and I'm thankful for the invisible super smart guys who worked all night and most of two days to fix it!


  1. Do you know what was broken? I lost a post??? But re did it!! Just wondering.

  2. thanks to my laziness. I went to post and blogger was down so my procrastintion paid off for once. but wanted to comment on your latest quilt.. love it! you did a super job. I am so going to try that technique for transferring. (when I grow another set of arms!)

  3. I only lost one post....but glad they worked out the problem.

    Nice to see you posting today! Well, ALL of us, actually!


  4. I lost one post and all the comments from another one, but I'm glad it's back, too. It was fun to see you were able to get back on today. I had no idea about the problem, even though I could have tried to chase down the reason for the problem.

  5. My 'lost post' is back, but all of my comments are in a black hole somewhere in Blogger Hell. OMG! What a disaster! They must've had a catastrophic failure. Blessings on all of the Blogger minions who got us back up and running! Hope you have a terrific weekend! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  6. I think I got my posts back but lost a bunch of comments. Weird is right.

    And I don't even like to imagine what sort of work it took to get the thing back up. It was refreshing to hear your words of thanks to those guys and girls -- it was a little annoying to hear so many people complaining and freaking out about the situation, blasting Blogger, etc.


Sorry for the hoops you have to jump through with leaving comments, but the spammers are out in force lately ....