
Saturday, May 28, 2011

a long weekend

filled with a little bit of this

and a little bit of that

shifting gears and slowing down

a time to reflect on the brief but inexpressible gift of life

wishing you a good memorial day weekend


  1. Lovely photos all, but those stitches of yours...I want to come sit at your feet and learn to do those so neatly! Lovely little quilt.

  2. and a good week-end to you, too ...

  3. Everything looks so green and lush.

  4. It sounds as if you are staying home and enjoying what is around you...the kids, the dogs, the gardens, the lovely quilts. Good for you. We did the same. But we have rain again and that kind of makes me want to stay inside anyway. I'm glad I wasn't planning a camping trip like so many people I heard talking. It would be miserable!

  5. Great shots Kimmie, have a lovely Memorial Day weekend...I'd love to learn to hand quilt like that!

  6. Oh you too. Love girl and dog! xox Corrine

  7. this life truly is a most beautiful and priceless gift...I feel blessed to get to enjoy it through your art and eyes dear Kimmie

    the ground level rose photos is WOW...and your lilacs! ours are long long gone until next spring...

    wishing your and yours a lovely restful long weekend !!!


  8. Beautiful words and photos once again.. Enjoy the weekend.

  9. Hope that you're having a fabulous weekend too!!! Beautiful pics!!! Hugs, Terri xoxox

  10. it sounds and looks like it is going to be very lovely at your house ...enjoy!

  11. Such vibrant, colorful, beautiful images. Sending blessings your way, Tammy


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