
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

tea from where I sit

 (I purposely overexposed all my pics today ... it creates bright sun ... when there is none)

before sitting down to tea this morning
I checked my mailbox
there was lots of mail For Me!

but first, you have to see who is keeping a watchful eye on me all day long:

is he making sure I don't blow the budget?
you can't spend too much buying seeds, can you?

sewing is on the "to do list"
but first comes tea
(tazo passion)

 and a sweet little valentine all the way from Buffalo NY

I hope the P.O. never stops making pretty stamps

thank you PakArt for the great bottle caps!
all the way from Alaska

soon we will be seeing these flying friends again

happy tuesday to you
I hope your day is filled with sunlight
even when there is none
spring is a month away!!!

please click the tab at the top of my page:
What is Tea on Tuesday?


  1. I really enjoy looking through seed catalogs in the winter. Really brightens my day. Lovely post Kimmie and happy tea day to you.

  2. wow, you got lots of mail love!! that is wonderful
    I just love Tazo teas! they just have such a passion for what they do and incorporating it into daily living. Good choice!
    By the way, I emailed you : Yes I want to be official as a T on T member ;-) it is just way to fun and delicious not to, right?
    Have a stellar day!!

  3. I love Tazo's packaging (and have used many of their tags in altered art). YES, you can buy too many seeds! I have found half full packets from running out of room to plant them the year before. heehee

    Cool new bottle caps. Who knew they were so regional?

  4. Thanks for the lift Kimmie!

  5. what a lovely post much fun at the mailbox today!! i like the treatment of the photos.. I am drinking Tazo Zen as i type this...

  6. What a great thing to do over tea :) especially with a good friend keeping you company.

  7. I love getting stuff in the post ( except bills of course ) and you have a gorgeous stash there. How cute are those Alaskan bottle caps and I bet you can't wait to start planting those seeds. The days are getting shorter, the mornings are dark now and there is a fresh chill in the morning air,and I love it...Autumn is on it's way favourite season, so that must mean that you will soon be getting some sunshine. Happy Tea Tuesday to you.xx

  8. Thanks for sharing your table with us today! I'm with you...I love pretty stamps.

  9. Under the watchful eye- !!! So cute - love your teacup and all the happy mail!

  10. My husband says he will gladly "suffer" again through 6 bottles of beer if you see any more Alaskan bottle caps you'd like to have! He's always glad to help! ha ha ha I did notice those caps come in a variety of color to match a variety of beer. Maybe he'll try a different flavor next time and get you some different colors.

  11. o i love over exposed substituting for sun...we have to get our light where we can find it! love your pup..

    happy t tuesday, kimmie!

  12. Thanks for the "sunshine", Kimmie, you're sooooo clever! I agree, I LOVE "pretty" stamps and can't wait for my butterflies to return. Warm weather can't come soon enough!!! Hugs, Terri xoxo


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