
Tuesday, November 23, 2010


It snowed most of the day yesterday.
Actually, it went more like this:
snow an inch or so
snow and inch or so.
This left us with icy streets and - no school!

So today's tea is lots of hot cocoa:

Words to add to my thankfulness rocks:
snow days
snow balls
snow angels
snow men

* * *
for more tea and thankfulness, 
please visit the lovely Tea on Tuesday blogs listed in my sidebar.


  1. hi kimmie,

    patty send me this way from her nest. i've always enjoyed her tuesday tea, but never really clicked back to see where it all began.. what a lovely space you have here. i'll be looking around more as i can.

    have a lovely day. stay warm! :)

  2. BRRRRRRR Kimmie- wow and I was sorry to have all of that rain... Love the snowman...Happy Tea and Thanksgiving! Hugs Christen

  3. Happy Tea Tuesday, looks like a fun day :)

  4. ooh gorgeous. The North of England is due snow, but here in the south we hardly ever get any which is such a shame.

  5. Your beautiful snow covered roof and miniature snow-man is just what I needed, two days of 36 degree heat here.... happy Tea Tuesday to you; I have not got around to a 'tea' post AGAIN this week, but am enjoying tea with every one else.

  6. Looks like you got that quilt bundle out just in time. It may be disintegrated before the winter is over. And I can't believe all that snow. I love the looks of it, but I'm glad it's not here, YET! Happy Tea Tuesday because hot cocoa is great anytime. And have an awesome Thanksgiving, too.

  7. Snow pretty!
    I Love snow and you girls know how to have a good time in it.
    Enjoy the cocoa...such a yummy treat
    Happy T dear Kimmie

  8. The snow looks so pretty, but I will just keep admiring from afar thank you very much. We are still having 70 plus degree days here. But we are having a cold front come in Thanksgiving day, down to the 40's brrrrr. LOL Have a good Tea day! :) Oh yes, we make sand men down here!

  9. It looks as if you are in the same situation as we are with the snow. Ours has started to melt though and we are predicted to have a sunny, although cold, Thanksgiving. Happy T day to you Kimmie. Enjoy the kids and the time off school. Memories for the future.

  10. Wow. It looks so gorgeous -- thanks for posting such a beautiful photo from a faraway land --

  11. Ah yes...snow days! I seem to enjoy them as much as the kids these days... I think its knowing they are safe at home.

  12. Happy T to you dear Kimmie and happy thaksgiving!!!

  13. A headache made me miss tea yesterday - we had clouds, drizzle, and 60's- I love snow days - but I guess we will have them soon enough!!!

  14. how fun to have a bit of snow! I always think of your area as a rainy place. we havent been blessed yet with any snow. though I am sure it is on its way. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family and friends.

  15. we have also snow at the moment , I love that, but not at this moment . Our caravan is ready for vacation and there are so much cars on the road , brrrrrr
    We are going some days later now.
    Love from ♥RINI♥


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