
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

chore tea ...

... or chai tea?
I think I'll have the chai tea, thank you!


"Masala Chai"
it says peppercorn on the list of ingredients
and I can taste a subtle kick of pepper

maybe that's what I needed to get these chores done
- a kick!

but first I'll have to put my camera down

and quit my lolligagging


... why don't you go lolligag with my tea friends listed in my Tea on Tuesday list in the sidebar?

and today's tea was brought to me (and you) by my friend Teresa and her tea company


  1. I'm trying to imagine what fennel and peppercorns would taste like in chai...I'd like to try it!

  2. I think I'm going to try making chai one of these days. It sounds wonderful. And you did have a lot of laundry there! I can't possibly imagine folding that many things at one time. Guess that's why I do laundry every couple of days (grin). Glad you took a few minutes to enjoy tea with us, though. Happy Tea Tuesday.

    PS. Just saw the word verification: spoonte!

  3. ummm your tea sounds lovely Kimmie
    and quite a bit better than "chore" tea ;)

    in my yogi chai tea recipe it says peppercorns help purify the blood

    always special popping by for T

  4. Peppercorns may purify the blood - but I don't like them in my tea!!! LOL But, I guess I would take that tea over chores any time!!!

  5. Chore tea lol ! I have to have tea BEFORE chores, sometimes DURING chores and definitely AFTER chores, it's the only way they will get done. Have a lovely day , once the chores are out of the way.

  6. Your laundry pile looks huge - like mine

  7. Love the photos. Peppercorn in tea, I don't know about that. I would hve to try it. With the other ingred. it is probably good and like you said it will surely give you a kick.

  8. You even make laundry look relaxing with your tea! I'm going to have to check out your friend's tea company!

  9. Tea makes everything better :)

  10. ahhh - the laundry moments of love. the art of beautiful folding captured. nice moments

  11. I can smell the neatly folded clean clothes and linens.

  12. love pepper, and your laundry looks beautiful!! happy t day!

  13. A cup of tea always helps with chores!

    Thanks for the decluttering tip.

    I LOVE the oil spill quilt - it's fabulous.

  14. i always need help when it comes to laundry! i am challenged in the housework area...a complete lollygagger...can you tell i'm excited to start after being gone for a week? ;-} i like the close up shots of everyday life you have captured here...i'm glad you made time for your camera...

  15. Hi Kimmie - Friday at work. Just made myself a cup of tea, thought of you so "wandered down the hall" to say "HI!" Enjoy your weekend!

  16. Glad you liked the tea. I like the Chai when it's a cold does have a bit of a 'kick' to it. Your photos are all so lovely!

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