
Friday, September 24, 2010

what "a little talking to" will do

I had lunch with my Dad today.
I wanted to show him my photo transfers - knowing I would get his honest opinion.
I have to say that I've been like a stick in the mud getting my etsy shop back on track
even with this next "big idea" I had (of the photo transfers)
I get an idea and then a little voice says,
big deal
that's not going anywhere
what a waste of time
and effort
there's way better stuff
than yours
etsy is big
you are little
no one will see it
no one will want it
no one will buy it
do you know that voice too?
That's when you need to talk to someone like my Dad.
He's like a kick in the butt and a hug all at the same time.
Thanks Dad.


  1. I hear ya Kimmie! My Etsy shop has been empty for months. I'm setting up a booth at a wine fest tomorrow. Hopefully I'll sell a bunch of stuff. Whether I do or not, I'm determined to post what ever is left in my shop.

  2. Yes, those voices are always there aren't they? Glad your Dad gave you the encouragement you needed!
    Have a great weekend!


  3. Yes. I have that same hideous voice. And it comes out of nowhere, disappears again and then reappears.

    I love your art and would like to own it all.

  4. Those words echo in my head all the time - sometimes I feel we do get lost in the sea of Etsy- even with all the networking we can possibly do!! But your "stuff" is spectacular- and your talent far surpasses alot of what I see there. Fill that etsy shop with inventory!!!
    We need your dad to talk to all of us!!!LOL

  5. I went to your shop. Your framed cards are terrific. I am sure they will sell. The process you use sounds so interesting. Bravo! Nice to have a dad to run things by and to get such nice kudos, support, and feedback from. Enjoy him.

  6. I am happy to give you a kick in the butt with a hug chaser anyday! ;) Sis

  7. It's there ALL THE TIME when I make something !
    Kimmie your quilt is so delightful& delicate. A wonderful tribute to the wildlife affected in the oil spil.

  8. These are great, and are reminiscent of polaroid transfers. I have worked with transfers for thirty years, and you are doing a great job. I "hearted" you on etsy : )

  9. DAPPLED LIGHT !! that was the phrase I couldn't find!! grazie!!
    and yes I know that voice, the INNER CRITIC and good for you to have your dad and to know to go to him when you need a kick and a kiss! good luck with your etsy sales!!! xox

  10. get out. your stuff is great!!! and that's a truly honest comment, i said get out and used the word stuff. lol.

  11. lucky to have such a supportive papa...i think etsy is hard because you have to put sooooo much into it...and establish a network besides your blog network...hardly leaves any time for creating.i think your photo transfers are lovely.


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