
Friday, September 10, 2010

more photo transfer

today's playtime

this newest batch was on a smoother paper than the watercolor paper in my earlier post
they seemed to transfer more consistently using a paper that didn't have a rough texture

Elizabeth asked, "Is it possible for a non-artist to try this?"
well - if you can frost a cake or bake a cobbler you can do this
(E is a trained pastry chef!)

and Teri said, "I assume that you put the MP (mod podge) on the photo before you put it face down on the paper, right?" 
 IMPORTANT: apply the MP to the receiving paper NOT the photo
- if you do, the ink will dissolve and smear as you brush on the MP

Those were the only things I thought I should clarify :)


I think I may put some of these in my etsy shop
what do you think would be a fair price for something like this?
(just the raw print - no mat, frame, etc.)
is $5 too much?


  1. Giggle, giggle. I'm going to try this!

    And $5 is totally a fair price -- although I'm tempted to say that you should get double that because $10 is not a lot of money for a piece of art.

  2. Love them... but have no idea what a fair price would be... I struggle with that in everything I make and sell!

  3. I was wondering i this would work with other mediums, like PVA glue???? Also do you let the medium dry fully before rubbing off? Thanks for sharing.

  4. These came out great. Isnt modge podge just a cheaper acrylic medium?? IE cant one use acrylic medium instead.

    if you sell these would the person buying them be able to use them in their artworks?

    I esp like the ragged edge of the photo

  5. Kimmie these are so beautiful, great idea to put them on your etsy shop !

  6. Awesome Kimmie :) I think it will be fun to try!

  7. Kimmine, in my opinion $5 is pricing these beautiful prints a bit too low - $10 is more of a fair price for the work that goes into making them as beautiful as they are. Hugs, Terri xoxo

  8. Gosh they are really beautiful ... each and every one ... great idea to sell them.

    Pricing is part of what stops me from opening an etsy shop myself ... it was never my favorite part when I did craft shows way back when


  9. Do you think it would work on Twinchie squares?

  10. I'm not sure where I've been for two days, but I love the results you got, both with the watercolor paper, and this smoother paper. They are wonderful, and I agree that this new batch is more consistent. I can't believe you got that with your inkjet printer. That blows me away. This is something I must try.

    As for pricing them, I can't help you there. You know how much time (taking and removing photos from digi camera, marking where to place the images, removing the backing) and materials you have in them (ink, paper, mod podge, water). Then you must figure out how much to pay yourself. That's why I don't sell anything. It's the obstacle that stops me.

  11. These are beautiful,'s inspiring me to hang in there with my attempts on doing a successful transfer....thanks for sharing....

  12. These are really gorgeous Kimmie! I think 10 dollars is fair, your work is worth is your art.

  13. I love the photo transfer, and I think $5 is totally reasonable! Thanks for sharing!!

  14. Wow ! I am SO trying this ....if I can work out what modge podge is & where I can get it !
    These are wonderful & I love the one on your previous post Kimmie

  15. These are lovely! I'm going to try the modpodge technique - did it differently in the past with gel medium but this way looks a bit easier.

  16. I found the link to this post on the Inchie arts blog and must say that these turned out beautifully!!

    I have Modge Podge on hand and plan on giving this a try so thanks for the inspiration!!


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