
Thursday, September 2, 2010

is it a girl thing ....

to get TOTALLY jealous of something?

check THIS out

and tell me if you're jealous (like me)

maybe it's just because I'm STILL toast
... bad head cold ...
threatening to become a chest cold
a sinus infection

and am TOTALLY unmotivated to do anything but reheat soup
and get mad at cable news people 


  1. First, I hope you feel better soon . Let that studio space inspire you . While you are sick dream of a space for yourself or a little reorganizing ;) That is good for the soul ..
    I dream of a cottage space and save pics and it fills me up with inspiration :)
    healing hugs,

  2. Yep... I'm jealous! Feel better soon!

  3. I read you didn't feel well on Tuesday, but had no idea it had developed into a cold. Recover soon. Actually, I'm NOT jealous. That desk looks lovely and the view is nice, but the desk and work area are only practical if you are a painter (and yes, I know that is your chosen medium), sketcher, etc. Unfortunately, mixed media artists need something a bit bigger :>)

  4. totally...i would love to have that space & view...that level of organization...i'm feeling piggy and need to clean again...hope you are having lots of tea and turn the channel...those people get paid to make us mad...xo

  5. I'd never get anything accomplished if I had a view like that!!! It IS very pretty, and I'll admit that I'm a "tad" jealous!!!

    So sorry to hear that you're under the weather, Kimmie. Tea, toast and some pampering are on the menu for sure. Feel better soon! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  6. Yes indeed, what a view....most of us can only dream of! Hope you get to feeling better better get to the Doc if it's a sinus infection. Stop over to my blog and enter my giveaway!

  7. Oh MY a VERY clean desk with a view ... not in my realm this lifetime...a view yes ... neat ah no LOL

    take care missy ... I find news breaks are like mini vacations sometimes and take them often

    hoping you feel much better real real soon!

  8. OK---Now you've done it! You made me jealous too! What a space. I have bookmarked this person and will spend some time looking at her stuff on ETSY etc. Thanks for the link. Isn't this blog world incredible?? I hope that you are feeling better soon. You know the drill: fluids, rest, etc. It works if we can take the time to DO it1

  9. So very jealous!!! Not only having a space to create but a space with a view. I do my art while sitting in bed.

  10. um... wow.... I'm so behind here.
    and an etsy site !! congratulations.

    I will read all of this... I will.
    you are such an inspiration


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