
Tuesday, July 27, 2010

tea and taking flight

I'm going on a trip next week which includes some air travel time
... and not much in the mood for a knitting project ...
so I'm bringing along some hand sewing
in the form of quilt squares

it will be a quilt for my oldest daughter
I'm feeling much the same way I did just before she was born
you see, she's grown up so much in the last few months
she's virtually changing before my eyes
I just want to wrap her up in love and comfort
stitches of thoughts and prayers and hopes and love
quilting a metaphor of shelter and protection
I made quilts for all my girls before they were born
... I can see myself making them all quilts before they go into Junior High ...

and about my trip next week
I'm an Island girl at heart
I'll come back with loads of pictures
this trip is a gift from the Sweet Husband for my 50th birthday
where am I going?
.... aaaaaaah ....
I'm hoping to swim with the turtles
and - I will be unplugged - so enjoy next week's tea with me!

for more of THIS week's tea, please visit the Tea Blogs listed in my sidebar


  1. You will be missed, Kimmie. We will drink in your honor. Sounds to me like a super incredible birthday gift and awesome vacation rolled into one. Those quilt squares look great, but I could never sew them by hand (or by machine for that matter).

    Enjoy your trip, your birthday, and your time away. Stay safe and have fun.

  2. o kimmie, that sounds so wonderful! happy 50th, dear girl...i can not wait to see pics & a beautiful quilt...

  3. Kimmie this is so special - enjoy.

    I know how you feel - my daughter drove us all for about an hour yesterday - she's trying to pass her driving test. I kept looking at her in the mirror thinking of the child she was.

  4. Enjoy your birthday and your trip to the island!

    I like to bring quilt squares along on trips, too :)

  5. What a sweet post. I cannot imagine sewing those tiny triangles by hand...good luck with that...Love the sentiment about your daughter(s)...and all the quilts then and now...and again perhaps when they marry and then when they produce grandchildren for you!!! Happy 50th. And have a wonderful trip! Say hi to the turtles for me.

  6. ooo Hello she's off again!
    Enjoy Enjoy your beautiful girls AND your very special birthday trip ... sounds dreamy and memorable! Quite the perfect gift for certain!
    Happy Sweet T to you and yours Kimmie!

  7. Love the fabrics of the quilt!! Something the girls will treasure!!! Enjoy your trip - and I am sure we will be seeing some inspired nature sketches when you return!!

  8. what a great trip! Kaua'i will be fabulous! lucky you... birthday girl! now that is a way to kick off the big 5-0!!!
    happy T day!!

  9. Have a wonderful trip, Kimmie. and we'll be waiting to see your photos. Happy happy T and a Happy holiday to you and yours!!!

  10. OOh and a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! (in advance) ;)))

  11. What a wonderful Birthday treat, Kimmie!!! Enjoy every moment of your "unplugged" time!!! Happy Happy Birthday!!!! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  12. I hope you have a wonderful trip...

  13. Swimming with the turtles! How Glorious!

    Quilts= love.

    Have a wonderful trip and be sure to post pictures.


  14. Happy birthday - Hau'oli la hanau!!

    Have a wonderful trip - and definitely do swim with the turtles. They'll probably find you, though, as they know of your image of the Gulf turtle. They will bring you their turtle magic and healing.

    Me ke aloha! xoxo

  15. What a fabulous project - you have much more patience than me! Enjoy Kauai - we went there for our honeymoon some time ago.

  16. What a wonderful place to celebrate your birthday ...

  17. Oh, how wonderful! And I wish you the happiest of birthdays and a year ahead full of love and peace and good health for you and your beautiful family --

  18. ack.....

    so by now you are fully immersed in all things vacation.

    I can't wait to see the photos.
    enjoy, enjoy, enjoy, Kimmie
    Happy Birthday !!!!

  19. I'm assuming that you are going with your wonderful husband. You will be missed, Kimmie! Please enjoy your time away with the warm waters, the deep blue sea and the sky of blue. We await your return.

  20. dear kimmie!!!how beautifull sourprise for your birthday!!!happy happy trip!! and happy birthday!!!l can imagine you swimming with the tourtles and given them big big hughs!!!! a big kiss for you and for your lovely husband!!!!!!!
    ...l love the quilts..every stich means love!! and for your girls...imagine how much love!!!muchos besos kimmie y feliz cumpleaƱos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  21. kimmie ..i hope as i write this you are having a lovely trip..the squares will be great to carry along....

  22. Have a wonderful trip and yes, she is growing up fast and turning into a beautiful young lady.....just like her Momma! ;-)

  23. Have a wonderful vacation. What a pretty quilt that will be. I know my kids treasure the ones that I made for them. I finally MADE IT for Tea on Tuesday! YAYAYAY :)Bea


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