
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

"T" and ... the 20th already?

I can't believe how fast July is flying by!
My tea today is definitely "on the go."
I've discovered this delicious red bush tea from TJ's.
All I do is keep a tea bag in my water bottle for the day -
it flavors and scents otherwise nondescript H2O into something spicy and exotic.
Yum is all I can say!


Saturday was our town's summer celebration parade.
This picture of the bride is my favorite out of the bunch.
I would so love to have a little retro car just like this one :)


Here's the H.S. band .... not looking too enthusiastic I must say


Pirates .... really scary to the little kids ... I saw lots of alligator tears :)


The politicians were out in full force .... it's an election year .... but when is it not?


This is the sauerkraut band ... pretty hilarious .... and they sound great too!


... and my daughter walked with her best friend and the park's department.
They were all dressed as trees!


I hope your Tuesday the 20th is a good one!
Enjoy these summer days while they last 
For more good tea and good friends, please visit the other tea blogs listed in my side bar!


  1. Oh nothing like a good parade - we used to love the fiesta in Spain. Sadly now Health & Safety regulations have made local carnivals very expensive to put on ( insrance etc )
    Your daughter looks lovely as a tree !
    Joe was a tree once because he was tall!
    I wish politics would stay out of these things !

  2. great t post! love your town, what a cute little parade! your daughter looks so cute as a tree! it is hard to believe that the summer has flown by!! I saw the first back to school ad the other day! yikes!!!

  3. oo what fun! and that car is fabulous!! your daughter looks good as a tree! lol! that's a really good idea to drop a tea bag in the bottle of water...can't wait to try that! happy 20th, dear kimmie!

  4. Greetings Kim,

    I wish we had a little summer here, but cold wind and fog has invaded the Bay Area and even reached the East Bay and a little further inland. At least I do not have to water the garden.

    I too love the retro car and it looks like a gem.

    Your daughter and her friends representing trees is wonderful and it brings up a lot of fairy tales for me.

    Wishing you all the best,

  5. giggles - love that parade! and the tea idea is great, too.

  6. First of all your daughter makes a darn cute tree, I bet she smelled good too ;)

    The parade looks charming and I'm sure it brought lots of smiles to many faces!

    As hot as summer is here ... these days are to be savored and enjoyed ... especially with time moving in warp speed

    Wishing you and yours sweet summer days and a happy T too!

  7. Thank you for sharing these photos Kimmie!!!
    It must be loads of a big summer party...
    stay happy always....
    hugs steph

  8. Looks like fun! Love the parks dept "trees!"

  9. Look at the paint job n that car. I was sooooooooo impressed. Thought your daughter was tree-mendously impressive, too. That tea sounds perfect, too. Lots of fun in this post, Kimmie. Happy T today.

  10. Your town looks like so much fun -- I can't believe how many times they have parades! What a wonderful place for children to grow up --

  11. Everyone loves a parade in summer! Brings smiles and creates memories. Enjoyed your post. :)

  12. Good idea for your tea Kimmie :)
    Very cute tree :)

  13. One of my high school teachers had a car like that ... brings back memories.

  14. you tree/daughter


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