
Friday, June 25, 2010

seaside sparrow

This is literally a seaside bird; few other sparrows have so restricted a habitat. Favoring the wetter sections of salt marshes, it feeds much less on seeds than other sparrows do, but eats tiny young crabs, snails, and other small marine animals along the tidal creeks of salt meadows. Like all birds living near the ground in grass, the Seaside Sparrow is difficult to detect until it is almost underfoot, whereupon it flushes, flies for a short distance, drops down into the thick grass, and runs along like a mouse. The best opportunity to view one is when it is singing atop a grass stem or small shrub.


  1. Runs along like a mouse....i love that description although it pains me to think of how this sweet bird is faring in The Gulf. I'll have to go to the Cornell website and listen to its song...

  2. you have captured this precious little birdie so beautifully Kimmie!

    thank you for sharing so many wonders of nature with us!

    wishing you and yours a happy weekend!

  3. Your Sparrow is beautiful... Sadly, we lost the last Dusky Seaside Sparrow (they lived in a very limited area along the east coast of Florida) years ago. Let's hope the other species endure...

    Thank you so much for your comments on my last post.. It is very much like a tide.

  4. one of my favorites so far with the simple lines and color...such a simple sparrow

  5. I feel as though I keep repeating myself make it look so easy, yet I know it is not. Beauty-full!!!!

  6. Every day I come to your blog just to learn something new about various animals (mammals and foul) that I had no idea even existed until you drew them and brought them to life. Thanks for making every day special with your art.

  7. I have a weakness for birds - your sparrow and pelican are beautiful!

  8. Your talent is growing. Thank you for the enlightenment! Darn oil spill! I'd say more, but it's not fit for print.

  9. It's always a great fun catching up with you, Kimmie! Both your latest paintings are gorgeous!
    Enjoy your day and make some fab art!


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