
Thursday, March 25, 2010

1 award, 5 blogs and 7 things

thank you Penny (The Linen Shelf)
for the award!
Penny has 2 blogs 
(you might know her Hen House blog from the Tuesday Tea parties)

I would like to pass this award on to these 5 beautiful blogs:


and now 7 things about myself that you might not know:

  • I have always driven a stick shift car (except for a mini-van I once had for a couple of years)
  • I'm addicted to puzzles (sudoku and crossword puzzles mostly)
  • When I have a newspaper I always read the obituaries (I read the news too)
  • I used to be a Republican (sorry)
  • I was badly bullied as a kid - but now all those bully kids like me for some reason (I help out at school with at-risk kids)
  • I have wanted to be an artist for as long as I can remember (but also wanted to be a nurse because I knew I would need a "real" job to stay alive)
  • I can't stand Christmas (it's complicated)


  1. Kimmie, thanks so much for the award. You've made my day.
    BTW, I can't stand Christmas either (its complicated)and I've also wanted to be an artist for as long as I can remember.
    Oh and I love the fugly button inchie.

  2. I'm so honoured that you chose me Kimmie; thank you ♥
    I will go and follow the links to the others......
    Linda x

    PS The box is for my fathers ashes - more on that later!

  3. Wow---more people that can't stand Christmas! I guess it's complicated for more of us than we know. Ditto on the artist thing too. I even went back to college at 52 and got my BA degree in ... ART! What to do with it though? Hmmmm....just to have the degree makes me so happy.

  4. So nice to learn so many new things about you. Like you, I have never driven an automatic.

  5. Kim, never knew those few things about you. Wish I had known, Love Dad

  6. I read the obituries as I love some of the old names !
    Sad to hear you were bullied - someone has confided in my son that he's being bullied so I have rung the school. I'm glad he told Joe & Joe told me.
    I like Chrismas but can find it overwhelming & get low - like last Christmas.

  7. Hi Kimmie - What an honor from you to us. Hour Art Escape - a soul saver for the two us us. Connections Kept Alive. Surprise posting gifts. A back and forth sort of thing. Thank you! for the thought, and the surprise!

  8. It's nice to read so many interesting things about you.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  9. Congrats!! I love Art Propelled!! Will have to check out the others.
    I read obituaries also - the day before my daughter was born, I remember reading them- looking for a cute 1st name for the baby- my husband and I hadn't yet agreed on one!!!LOL Weird, I know..........

  10. DEAR KIMMIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!THANKSSSSSSS MANY THANKS FOR THINK IN ME AND MY BLOG!!!! L really feel very honour and very very happy that you think my blog is beautifull!!! l smile all the time with this notice!! que lindo!!!l have just come from a little trip to see my family...3 little girls and 1 little boy and my brothers in law that live in the noth of our country,in salta and l came as alwyas we go to see them full with our hearts full of love and when l get home yesterday l see that my blog was in your blog..that l adore it as you!!! and how can l feel??MOOORE HAPPY!!!!!Kimmie l post in my blog some words of thanks for you and l wish all my friends read you because you have lots of beautifull thoughtsand beautifull heart and beautifull things and art to share!!!again make my day and you are in muy heart!!!muchos besos!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. kimmie i struggle with the holidays too...I am going to visit some of the awardees now...

  12. Kimmie - Thank you again for your Beautiful Blogger Award. I just posted it on our blog - I'm new to this award thing to had to figure out the technicalities. Love the learning and the growing. Happy Weekend to you and yours. Renee (& Neva)


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