
Thursday, February 25, 2010

trying to stay calm

... my computer is having a software issue. I have an appointment tomorrow at the "Genius Bar," which even though they are geniuses, I'm having tremors in the pit of my stomach. I will try to follow the words of wisdom stated above - and still "plant my apple tree" - which for me means keep creating art. Not being able to get online reliable doesn't exactly constitute "the world going to pieces," does it? But I have grown quite attached to the buzz and chatter among us all. Instead of working in a busy college art department atmosphere - I will be working alone for a few days. We'll see how the computer issues work out - and my connectivity. It's a bit of a miracle that I even got online this morning. I already miss you guys .....


  1. oh, no.....and i'll miss you! you bright spot!
    you are about the fifth person i know having computer crisis.

  2. Hi - I sympathize with you completely; my router died yesterday (no, I didn't know it at the time, my hubby hunted down the problem!) so I was disconnected from the web world. Gave me a chance to reflect upon how much it has become a part of my every day life. Good luck with the genius bar appointment!

  3. oo i feel for you...i had two weeks of problems due to a free download that was part of an online was so major, that i have done nothing with the class...i ended up blowing it off...with a huge lesson learned about on-line classes... i hope they can help, i have always found the mac store might be able to use the online computers at your library until it's fixed...i would miss everyone too!! it's such a nice place we've all found...

  4. Oh pooooor Kimmie- I KNOW exactly what "falling to pieces" means here for you. Remember a few months ago we had computer "issues". My Mac was old and they couldn't fix the inner workings, so I had the hard drive converted into a portable hard drive. We couldn't afford a new Mac so I worked on a PC lap top for a few more months, and could plug in a universal portable hard drive which my friend had transferred all of the Mac data onto. Then we got a virus on the PC from Facebook of all places, which cost us money to remove and then it still froze. It has taken months to be able to retrieve the data from that computer. We finally were able to buy a new Mac and all is well, though many of my programs have to be updated with more money of course. My advices is to keep the faith with Mac, I love mine, and the geniuses are usually very genius-like and nice! Christen

  5. OH, NO! Say it ain't so, sweet Kimmie!!! I feel your pain and have been to that particular level of computer hell recently. Will send good vibes your way for a fast "fix"! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  6. Oh I don't know, being connected on the internet is the closest some of us can get to a social life with like minded people sometimes so it sure seems like the end of the world when we have to take a few days away from it!

  7. hang in there . come back soon friend

  8. Oh I know JUST how you feel! Isn't it awful to discover just how paralysed you are without the pooter and the blogosphere out there? It made me feel a real sad Norman No-Mates ....

  9. Do you need a visit from the Mac Doctor, Kimmie? He's home this weekend.

  10. dear kimmie...dont be sad..tomorrow or monday or friday or any day...we will be waiting for you!!!!muchos besos!!!!!!

  11. oh no. hoping for the best. I "temporarily" lost my laptop for 24 hours about a month ago. Sick feeling. Have I started to backup things? NO. On the list for this weekend: TO DO.

    Hope you are back soon. I miss your smiling photos and cheery words.

  12. I think it's only a matter of time before something goes wrong with my computer. I miss you...

  13. Miss you more Missy!
    hope you are back in the blink of an eye!

  14. yikes, I didn't see this over here.
    I'm glad everything worked out well in the end.
    I missed seeing you around too.


Sorry for the hoops you have to jump through with leaving comments, but the spammers are out in force lately ....