
Thursday, February 11, 2010

almost a star

I have all of the joints completed except for one.
It's too hard to work on the pages if it can't lay flat.

This is the page I worked on yesterday.
I used handmade lace from a friend, and the yarn band on a skein of fisherman's wool I bought recently.
The saying from St. Francis of Assisi is one of my all time favorite sayings.
It's just so logical.
I used it for This Post over on my other blog a few months ago.


  1. it's such a treat to have come across your blog...i love the mini page you just did and the sentiment is beautiful...

    head, hands and heart...HHH=artist...

    come see me sometime on my blog...I will now go follow you..

    ciao bella...

  2. Great idea this little book !!!
    Love your posts !!

  3. A wonderful tiny book..I also love the words..So true.

  4. I've never heard this saying from St.Francis before, Kimmie, and I LOVE it! Your little star book in turning out to be something quite special. Hugs, Terri xoxo

  5. you will find your journaling groove if you keep it up ... do a little every day and it does get becomes your heart on paper...

    for me it's my therapy!

    thanks for coming by...hope you'll come again and again..


  6. this is the most sweetest little book I've it

  7. that is a great saying ... and an intriguing little book

  8. I love how you put both books together. I would never have thought of it. That saying is one of my favorites, too. In fact, I have it printed (somewhere) waiting for that perfect "hand" image to appear for my Hand AB. Thanks for reminding me.

    This book is really, really shaping up. This will be a truly unique star book, unlike any others.

  9. Kimmie this is so gorgeous! You certainly have the touch.
    Mrs Noofy


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