
Thursday, November 19, 2009

A Little Wishful Snowman

I've been working on this snowman "shrine" for a couple of weeks and finally finished him today. It's been a very rainy day - which gave me the idea for how to finish him and let him have his say about things ...
.... you see, he is rather perched on a soapbox sort of contraption there ...

... it says on the sides:
"into each life a .....

..... little rain must fall."

His response to that idea?
"let it snow!!!"
he was just listed in my etsy shop today
(click HERE for the listing)


  1. ooo dear kimmie, he is simply wonderful!! as a woman in love with snowmen, he's a star in my book....

  2. How cute is this little charmer?!?! And I love that this is all black and white. Sophisticated AND Adorable, Kimmie! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  3. this is just the cutest!!!! i'm off to read more of your blog. i like your philosophy of living with what you have. i'm doing that more and more.

  4. great....if there's going to be yet more shrines in the world, let them be of snowmen! A-DOR-A-BLE.

  5. Lovely little tableaux, Kimmie. Your little guy is the sweetest thing I've seen in ages.Love all the bitty details and the brilliant use of the round playing card.

  6. He is so sweet Kimmie...I love his wavy smile!

  7. Well if he isn't the spiffiest little character on the block. Happpy Crafting, Mollye

  8. I'm so glad I discovered your blog today! I love your viewpoint and working with what we have opens up our imagination rather than stifling it. Have a great day. Cheers!

  9. hola kimmie!!! l tell you taht l fall in love with this beauty!!!!!terribly sweet!!!!an enormous kiss!!!!!!!!


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