
Friday, October 16, 2009

finished journal page

My fire annuals were all painted on the same page - so I added the bit of homework I had done in researching them and now have a completed journal page.
Thank you for all of the wonderful comments along the way ....


  1. Ohhhh, how beautiful!!! Kimmie, the impact of seeing these colorful flowers all on the same page is glorious! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  2. You should be illustrating books!!! Wait, you just did!! LOL Lovely!!!

  3. Your talent never ceases to amaze me! Love your finished journal page!

  4. Hallo Kimmie , i will give you my big compliments , its wonderful !
    Love Rini

  5. Oh beautiful. I bet you would have a beautiful garden journal.

    I want to invite you to a journaling project using the themes I'm adding on my blog. It's nothing formal, just inviting some friends to play along.

  6. It's a beautiful page. Lovely to see how all the pictures compliment each other.

  7. Hi Kimmie, your journal is going to be gorgeous and something you will never want to part with I think. I have an award for you on my blog if you'd like to go by and grab it. Mollye

  8. Oh goodness me, what a talented watercolourist you are! Your work is just beautiful, and this journal will be a real treasure.

  9. a breath of fresh from this page Kimmie

  10. Absolutely gorgeous pages Kimmie = WOW!!!

  11. oo a i found some vintage bowls for my favorite cup...blackberry sage tea..again...

  12. You are brilliant at this! What a delicate and beautiful page. Please tell me how you did the coloured writing.
    Linda x


Sorry for the hoops you have to jump through with leaving comments, but the spammers are out in force lately ....