
Friday, October 2, 2009

down for the count

no fever though ....
.... just a real danger of OD'ing on tea, soup, cable news, and a Ken Follett mystery.
hoping you're in better shape :)


  1. Oh, NO!!! I've just gotten over a nasty case of the same germs. Hope you feel better soon! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  2. Aaaww...hope you feel better soon - envision yourself in that scene on your tissue box!!!!

  3. Hope you're feeling better soon. And that no one else in the family gets sick.

  4. ooo the crud has spread!! we're on our second round! my son missed a week of school and my husband is sick again! hope you feel better soon...

    sweet dreams & tea with honey
    make a better feeling bunny!!

    (that's my little ditty i tell my son...)


  5. Can one OD on tea? It's my fave medicine when I have a cold...I just drink cup after cup. Also, rather than read when I feel fuzzy in the head...ok, most every day....I listen to audio books. It's like being told a story when you don't feel well. Take care, and rest, rest, rest!

  6. Geez Kimmie...take care of yourself. Hope you are feeling better soon so you can work on your mousetraps!
    Mrs Noofy.

  7. oh geez - I forgot about the mousetraps Noof - I'll be glad for a great project come Monday am :)

  8. aw boo on being under the weather Kimmie (who made up that saying anyway)
    so sorry to hear it
    hope your tissues have lotion in them, a red sore nose is no fun either
    take care sweetie!

  9. float away on fluids and a good piece of fiction.....come back lighter and lively!! get well sooooon.

  10. Hi - I've been a bit out of the blog-0-loop so hope you are doing better!


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