
Monday, October 12, 2009

about the slippers

..... a couple of days ago I posted a picture of all the slippers I'd made for myself and my girls last winter ....

This is the pattern I used
(the company is called Fiber Trends),
and here's their website,

I made these slippers as a very beginning knitter.
All I had ever made before this were garter stitch scarves on size 17 needles.
How do you spell e-a-s-y?

Have a beautiful day
no matter what comes your way!


  1. Oooooh, Kimmie! Thank you so much for sharing your pattern source! I can't believe you made these as a beginning knitter! My knitting expertise is hats and scarves - the simpler, the better! LOL! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  2. Oh yes, slipper weather is here and I enjoy going barefoot ... but that won't happen for some months now

    You really are a great knitter, I would not have guessed this could be a beginner's project ... you're fearless!

    Love the lineup below for all the sweet feet in your family ;)

    Are your girls leaning to knit?

  3. Thanks, again! I think I'm going to get back to knitting with this. I'll keep you posted...

  4. I have 2 out of 3 girls knitting .... my oldest likes to crochet - which she taught herself - cuz all I know how to crochet is a chain stitch ......

  5. Thanks so much for the link to the Fiber Trends patterns. I love to wear ballet style slippers and they have a cute pattern for those. I would much rather have a lovely pair of handmade slippers than my usual Isotoner.


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