
Thursday, August 13, 2009

Where am I?

I'm back from my trip to Oz, but still jet lagged .... which the feeling is best described as discumbuberated.

... or ... "where am I? what time is it?"

I'm easing my way back into bloggerland .... next stop - the disintegration collaboration gang ...


  1. Welcome back and can't wait to hear all about it! You've been missed.

  2. Tuesdays (and other days) were not the same w/o you!! Welcome back - and for those of us who live vicariously in others travels, we can't wait to see pix and hear all about it!!!

  3. i have missed your posts ...take your time!

  4. Yay! You're home safe and sound! Welcome back! Take your time getting back into the swing of things. We'll all wait patiently for your new posts! Hugs, Terri

  5. Welcome back - hope you had a wonderful trip? Jet lag really SUCKS doesn't it .... feel better soon.

  6. Welcome back!!! Discombooberated is one of my favorite words...I've been there LOL Not OZ you lucky thing you! I know there are lots of wonderful blog posts in store for us...what adventures you must have had!
    oxo ~*~ Patty


Sorry for the hoops you have to jump through with leaving comments, but the spammers are out in force lately ....