
Monday, June 8, 2009


I had this broken windchime. Itwas perfectly good really - it just lost it's clapper or flapper or whatever that thing is that catches the wind and makes the thing chime.

So I made one.

It's from a tomato can lid.


Here's how I did it:

  • I sanded the metal a little bit, just so it would take stamps and inking better than the coated surface would.
  • Then I crimped the edge with my pliers and punched holes with my awl to give it some texture and disguise it's origins a little bit.
  • Using Staz-on ink, I stamped a sun onto both sides.
  • Then I dribbled 2 colors of alcohol inks all over it (magenta and yellow) and sprtzed it with alcohol to blend the colors.

Hey! Tea Tomorrow :)
C U then!


  1. great idea!!! a wonderful accent to your lovely chimes!

  2. Clever girl - what a great addition!

  3. Wow! That so original and incredibly clever:-)

  4. Beautiful :) such a recycling lady you are!

  5. Love your new and improved sunshine clapper thingie :)
    We have chimes that look so much like yours, the clapper thread broke some time ago. Only when it's really windy do we get any tones from it now.....again, you've inspired me Kimmie!

  6. You are so very crafty..I would never have thought..I like your newly created chime!!! Looks much better than store bought

  7. I've just discovered your site, and have to say I love your imagination and sense of humor! I'd like to suggest you add one word to your motto... Reduce, Re-use, Recycle, Re-purpose!

    1. Thank you Karen! Wow you really went back in time with this post - I see my best buddy in the background - my dog Theo - he's in heaven now, but I was blessed to hang out with him as long as I did!


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