
Thursday, June 4, 2009

Cadmium Yellow

do you see the heart?


  1. this photo is, well, downright thrilling. you must have been so excited when you first saw the heart! or did you see the heart before you took the photo? even better.

  2. I saw the heart in iPhoto. Just like lots of things - it escaped my attention until I slowed down enough to have a closer look :)

  3. Great capture!!

    Like a little ray of sunshine & love!!

    Happy Love Thursday!

  4. sweet little heart!! thanks for the "heads down"/2thumbs down on the short stories. no, we don't need disturbing right now. i'm about to shout that out to my book group. NO MORE memoirs about disturbing lives!! let's just read upbeat fiction for awhile!!

  5. I love your blog!!! You create art with your pictures. I've just caught up with over a weeks worth of posts, and I'm excited.

    P.S. I worked in Everett, downtown, for hmmmmmmm 18 years?

  6. I see it! Yes! And thank you for sharing that light-filled photo.

  7. A day brightner - that heart! And I love cadmium yellow!

    I'm making inchies, kind of new at it. I'm putting together the weaved project with inchies on it that you posted about.

    Questions: Should I cover the background with a clear gesso? Also did you mention dipping their inchies in beeswax. Can you tell me about that? Where do you get some of your pictures (large and small). And when you add words, do you type them up, use a sharpie?Thanks! (my e-mail is in my blog)

    I love your art, it makes me want to do it too!

  8. Ohhhh! Yellow . . . the color of happiness! And the little heart is a gift from Mother Nature! Beautiful picture. Hope you're having a Happy Thursday too! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  9. Wow! Did you see the before you took the shot?

    Happy Love Thursday!

  10. happy love thursday all in yellow ~just so simple!

  11. I can't see it! :/ The picture is beautiful though!

  12. really nice catch and thanks for stopping by to see mine! I'll be back...

  13. Gorgeous poppy, Love the tiny hairs on the stem AND the heart too of course :) I never tire of looking at flowers!


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