
Monday, June 1, 2009

2Day is 2'sday T

welcome to Tea on Tuesday!
a few of us post our cuppa and share a bit about our day
feel free to do that - or just leave a comment
either way you'll get some friendly chatter with your tea

my tea today is "pukka love" from the UK and Lumilyon
it is a very very good tea
it reminds me of chamomile tea I used to drink when I was a beach loving girl in California

this is one washcloth of several I plan to make and send a dear friend for her birthday
pure cotton and pure gentleness and pure pampering

and this is my first summer read in my book bag
I loved Yoko Ogawa's book "The Housekeeper and the Professor"
this one is 3 short stories
one of the reviewers said the stories are "deeply disturbing"
"but in a good way"
I'll let you know

*** here's the p.s. on the book (added the next day)
it IS disturbing
I can't read any more
I'm maybe on page 20
I don't think I need "disturbing" right now. ***

thank you for dropping in for tea!
I hope your day is sweet and filled with good pauses and moment of refreshing


  1. ooo--do let us know about the book -- sounds intriguing. and the washcloth is lovely -- almost too pretty to use!

  2. Your washcloth is beautiful!!! Hopefully I'll be able to participate next week. I love tea and love seing everyone tea party each week.


  3. Glad you're enjoying the Tea Kimmie, your post has a real feel of Summer. Tell us more about th wash cloths, they look beautiful. With any luck, I should be able to make time for tea today.

  4. Such a pretty post today! I'm enjoying my English Breakfast, your pictures and the conversation.

    Lucky Birthday girl to receive one of your beautiful washcloths! They're beautiful.

    Wishing you a sweet day too!

  5. have a wonderful tuesday looks promising !

  6. oo excellent! i love a good book review!! and i adore knitted washcloths....nice project for summer...

    hello! from MN to you!! the weather here today is fabulous....dry, but beautiful...

  7. Tea Time is fun with you Kimmie! Your knitted washcloth looks sweet enough to wear....somehow :)
    Reading is one of the things I wish I could do more of....if only I didn't need 7 hours sleep at night :)
    My Mint Tea and more birds post is up.
    I think clicking on my name will get you there

  8. I agree - I don't watch , or read "disturbing"!!!
    Like at Alice's tea party - "I'm late, I'm late!" But I am here...

  9. I'm so late I think my name is Alice too :)
    It's evening tea for me. I'm sorry the book turned out to be too disturbing, there is a time and a place....maybe another day :)
    I do love your washcloth, very lucky birthday girl :)

  10. I am also late Kimmie...but have posted on my blog this morning. (Are you sure that washcloth wasn't actually a hat pattern? Its very interesting.)
    Big hugs


Sorry for the hoops you have to jump through with leaving comments, but the spammers are out in force lately ....