
Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I almost forgot it was Tuesday ...

(this is Mighty Leaf Tea from Oddchick 
it's amazingly good - and comes in a very pretty little organdy tea sachet
very very special stuff!)

... and that I have a blog! What a beautiful 3 day weekend we had up here in the Pacific Northwest. It is actually the 1st Memorial Day in a LONG time (maybe 9 yrs or so) that it's been sunny AND warm .... wow! I took 3 days off from the internet and spent my time in the garden, on walks with my fam, cooking yummy summertime food, and starting a new knitting project.

I go on a very cool website for knitters called Ravelry. I'm a beginner knitter really - but becoming part of a knitting group in town and having the resources available on Ravelry (patterns, tips, and conversation) has given me a great knitting confidence.

For instance I had this yarn, but no project for it. I simply did a pattern search using the yarn for a keyword and found THIS (Ravelry actually led me to the Knitty website for the pattern). And after a 3 day weekend, I'm nearly done with the back.

These wonderful ladies have already had their Tea today:

If you'd like to join in with your cuppa - just leave a comment and we'll drop in with a big "Hello friend!"


  1. a beginning knitter....hmmmm, your top and this lovely piece both look pretty advanced to me! gorgeous two/too!
    I cannot throw away those little organdy tea bags, I brought some home from our trip west last year, the tea is very tasty as well!
    how nice you had a sunny and fun long weekend....wishing you a fun and sunny week ahead Kimmie oxo

  2. Lovely looking pattern, Kimmie and great yarn colour.
    Greeting you over a cup of Earl Grey here!

  3. Such beautiful yarn - you are accomplished in so many different ways!!!!

  4. Happy Tuesday! And I'm going to check out the knitting link. Thanks for that!

  5. Oh, my! If you're a beginning knitter, I'll eat my wide-brimmed hat! Your pattern is scrumptious, and so is the yarn color.

    Am reading you with a cup of steamy English Breakfast in hand! It's kind of chilly today and feels very autumnal instead of summerlike! Am happy to hear that you had a wonderful Holiday! Hugs, Terri xoxo

  6. Loose leaf Darjeeling here today. Love your new project too. Funny enough I am doing a knit along on Ravelry just now-with organic wool!

    Susie-who just forgot her Google ID

  7. what a gorgeous project!! can't wait to see it done!! sorry, no tea pics today, husband went fishing and took camera....

    jean xo

  8. so happy that you are using that exquisite yarn ~such a color!

  9. Kimmie - you must live close to me! Wasn't it gorgeous?! Glad your weekend was so peaceful and happy.

  10. Your knitting looks far from 'beginner' - its very impressive!
    I'm here with my favourite peppermint tea thinking of you. When I get some pretty new cups (hopefully this weekend) I shall post next Tuesday.
    Linda xx

  11. I missed tea here, but was thinking of you and having tea at work. I love your knitting :) and the cuppa sounds great! For sure I'll be joining next week and I can't wait to follow some of the links from everyone :)


Sorry for the hoops you have to jump through with leaving comments, but the spammers are out in force lately ....