
Friday, April 17, 2009

Mermaid Twinchie

Art Creations Friday has offered up this image to work with today. I thought the lower half of her body looked like a mermaid's (if you squint, maybe you can see it the way I did) ...

..... So I made her into a mermaid twinchie (2X2")....


  1. i squinted and squinted to find the mermaid- lol - but then when i saw your mermaid, i was "of course" - but anyway, you have such a wonderful seeing eye!

  2. Lovely work
    have a good weekend

  3. well there she is of course did a nice job with the "conversion"

  4. Welcome to ACF Kimmie.
    I also participate at the challenge.
    Not yet so long but it's so inspiring to see all the entry's from other creative ladies.
    Your's is really beautiful and the way you have photographed it is unique !

  5. I love that you turned her into a mermaid... great interpretation!! How was lunch then? *giggles* =)

  6. She's the perfect mermaid - and soooo tiny!!!

  7. That's gorgeous. We have a mermaid thing over here so they're particularly meaningful to me. By the way, I've been pulling an inchie a day from the teacup and admiring it and thinking of you and your wonderful gift. Thank you.

  8. Your creation rocks! Have a good weekend

  9. This is great and very original! Love it!

  10. it's great!! love what you've done!!

  11. Kimmie, this is so clever. I love your mermaid. In fact, Kimmie, I love your blog... much that I have a couple of goodies on my blog for you.

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. What a beautiful, inspiring blog! And you are so close by! I came over from Elizabeth's blog, as she passed on your award to me. Thank you for spreading joy. Blessings to you.


Sorry for the hoops you have to jump through with leaving comments, but the spammers are out in force lately ....