
Monday, January 9, 2012

wag the dog

today, I took my tea with me on the dog walk (or dog pull)
our dog is a puller
he's a bouvier and they are used for pulling carts in belgium
in fact, they pulled the stretchers of wounded soldiers off the battle field in WWI 
and because of that dangerous duty, they were nearly wiped out as a breed

I was walking him myself for a daily 3 mile walk until I wrenched my ankle
I think it was all his pulling that did it

now the child walks him and I follow along

"wag the dog"


An item of minor importance dominating a situation.


This expression probably originated in the USA. There isn't a specific incident that it refers to that can be located there but there are many instances of it in print in US publications from the 1870s onwards, whereas there are none that come from any other country until well into the 20th century.
The earliest citation that I can find is from The Daily Republican, April 1872:
"Calling to mind Lord Dundreary's conundrum, the Baltimore American thinks that for the Cincinnati Convention to control the Democratic party would be the tail wagging the dog."
Dundreary is a character of Tom Taylor's play Our American Cousin. He was an amiable but dim nobleman, who frequently coined nonsensical riddles and twisted metaphors. These 'Dundrearyisms' were similar to Malapropisms and were briefly in vogue amongst US theatre-going circles in the 1850s; for example, 'a stitch in time never boils', 'better late than sorry'.



I don't know if it's my dog who has dominated the situation
or my ankle
... trying not to let it get me down at any rate ...

how are you having your tea today?
on the go?
kicking back?
wagging the dog?


  1. I'm sipping some peppermint green tea as I read this. I'm sorry to hear of your ankle. I do love Bouviers -- when I was a girl there was one in our neighborhood that we called "The Big Black Dog" -- we used to pedal extra fast past his house, just to be sure!

  2. He may be a puller but he sure is very handsome! I am trying to do a little more exercise but it is a real uphill climb for me. Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart

  3. Hope your ankle feels better sis! Maybe you should ride the Bouvier until it gets better! ;) XOX, Trix

  4. My walking partner turned her knee, so do you think I am still It has turned off cold here again so I've been exercising in the house.
    Maybe I should get a dog. This is the first time we haven't had one in...since i can remember.
    I'm kicking back mostly, enjoying my hot tea with a good book.


    Ahh the retched "dog pull". I too had a dog that was over zealous for the walk and would drag me mercilessly down the street (a 90 pound German Shepherd). Then one day I bought the Gentle Leader Head-collar ( It was a miracle. The best investment any dog owner can make. It looks like muzzle but it is NOT; the dog has full range of motion with their mouth. It simply elements the pulling when walking because you are leading them with their head and not at the neck/shoulder area where they have so much power. Anyway, hope your ankle gets to feeling better soon.

  6. i had a puller too but i learned from my sister (who has been pulled over twice and broken her wrist twice) that i do not want a friend told me about the Gentle Leader and that is how we walk's like a horse halter and it works controls their nose and where the nose goes, the tail wags follow...happy tea day, dear, hope your ankle is well soon...( i like your stripey mittens too!)

  7. I love your posts. I would say there is some dog wagging going on here...ha!

  8. Love the breed and your cutie!!! Tell him, the war is over, and he needs to become a heeler!So your ankle can HEAL!!!
    Or, like Cesar Millan - get a skateboard or roller blades and let him haul you around town on it!!!LOL

  9. PS- your daughter seems to be in control here -he looks like he is behaving!!!LOL

  10. I am sorry to read about your ankle, especially since I was so overjoyed to be back online. You are sure sporting some colorful mittens and your dog looks very gentle in the photos. Not like a puller!

    I never had a puller, and have always had big dogs: mostly shepherds and one very loving Chesapeake Bay Retriever. But my Chessy could get excited and want to follow his own path at times. That's when I had to rein him in. At that time, he weighed just a few pounds less than me, so I had to be in control at all times.

    Enough about me, I'm here to visit you and join you and DD on your 3 mile walk. Boy, I'm already tired!

    My Tea Tuesday post is here:

  11. such an informative post dear Kimmie...sorry about your ankle it's never fun to be in pain and have limitations...hope you're feeling good as new very soon!

    here is my
    tea cozy tea


  12. Oh ouch! Ankles can be so sensitive. Hope you're on the mend real soon.

  13. I love Shaggy Doggie!!!!! Big hug to Doggie and Special massage for Ankle. I'm told that exercise helps stuff like that but I've yet to be persuaded....!!

  14. sorry about your ankle. lucky you have a daughter around to take of dog pull duties. i am just about to brew a pot of irish breakfast. at noon.

  15. Sprained ankle too. Beagle puller, I am so there! xox Corrine

  16. Hi Kimmie, sorry to hear about your ankle. After spraining mine the beginning of November, I know how it feels. Mine still isn't 100% and I still haven't gotten back into the habit of walking. :/ I love your big shaggy dog. I bet he is a love. Happy tea day. Tammy

  17. Ha,ha. gorgeous post, well not about your ankle, I do hope that comes good very soon, but I love the "Dundrearyisms" ! Your dog is beautiful, he looks so cute. We have an expression in Australia where the word "wag" is used to describe a person that is funny, animated, happy-go-lucky, easy going and generally does not care much about what he says. Also we use the word "dag" to describe someone who does not care much about how they dress or look....quite a few of my friends are "wags" and "dags". Happy tea Tuesday Kimmie.

  18. I love dogs :) yours looks awesome!
    What a great way to have your tea and do something with the girl :)
    Hope your ankle is getting better. Thanks for stopping by my blog :) I did some more in there this afternoon! Coming along!

  19. I got shin splints walking my dogs (2 @ 75 lbs.) Good thing you have a resident dog walker!

    Have you seen the movie, "Wag the Dog"? Robert Deniro, Dustin Hoffman, Woody Harrelson. About how the government might manipulate events (or maybe it does!) A comedy, of course.

    P.S. I am having tea today.

  20. heal quickly. And so good to have a walker for the puller.

  21. Bummer on the injury! Hope healing is quick. Your dog is beautiful, and that's interesting history about the breed.


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